Chapter 4

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The Next Day

Ethel slept fine but Bobby had a restless night. He had just drifted of when there was a knock on the door. “Yeah?” He asked careful not to wake Ethel. Rory poked her head in. “Morning.”

Bobby sat up. “How are you?”

“Fine.” She replied sitting down on the floor. “Dad, I’m so glad I got to meet you.”

He let a tear escape as he hugged her. “I won’t die 68, I promise you.”

She hugged him tightly and cried.

Down the hall Jack was lying on the floor in agony. Jackie was trying to find someone to help. Michelle had left them an Iphone to dial for help it they needed it but she didn’t have a clue how to use it. “Mum, Dad?” Caroline knocked.

“Come in.”

Caroline smiled. Then she saw the pain which was contorted on her father’s face. “Dad?”

He groaned.

“He needs medicine but I don’t know how to work this damn touchscreen thing!” Jackie exclaimed.

Caroline smiled. “I’ll be back with something for him.”


While Jack waited in pain he started playing about with the Iphone. “Did you figure out how to work it?” Jackie asked as she returned in a towel from her shower.

“Yeah, I’m playing Candy Crush at the moment.”

Jackie shook her head. “As long as something keeps you amused.”

He laughed. “It’s fun.”

Jackie smiled. Jack slowly sat up. “God, you look hot.”

She blushed.

He got up and pulled her into him. She giggled. “What are you doing? Caroline could see us.”

“She’s old enough now.”

She shook her head. “No, you will behave.”

“Awww.” His hands traced her body. She burst out giggling. “Jack! Stop!”

He pushed her on to the bed. “But you look tempting.”

When Caroline arrived back with some medication for her Dad, she found her parents tangled in the bed sheets. Jackie was cuddled into Jack. “These are for you,” She said handing them to her Dad. “And President Obama wants to see you and Uncle Bobby at 2pm.”

Jack nodded. “Okay.”

Somewhere outside DC, retired agent Clint Hill had heard about the unexpected visitors as had the rest of the country. He was making his way to DC. He wanted to warn them.

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