Chapter 10

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The Residence


Jack had been silent since the press conference. Jackie sat down beside him. “I’m not mad Jack; I’m just annoyed that they know.”

“I’m just mad at myself for being a crap husband.”

She rubbed his back. “I know you love me.”

He rested his head on her shoulder. “You said you had a surprise?”

“Oh yes,” She giggled. “Bobby and Ethel are already with the guests.”

They went to the dining room where three elderly women sat talking with the family. Jack recognised them. He gasped. “Lee? Joan? Ethel?”

They smiled. “Jack.”

He hugged them. “Ethel have you met Ethel?” He joked.

Bobby laughed. “I knew he’d make that joke.”

Jack glared at him. He sat down and started talking to Joan. Ethel and Ethel had gone a walk to talk and Lee was with Jackie.

“God Lee…. I can’t believe what’s meant to happen.” Jackie said.

“I know, you were never the same after Dallas. You and Jack had grown so close after losing Patrick.”

“So I’ve heard.”

“Onassis used you, I’m glad you have the chance to change this.”

She hugged her sister.

Outside Ethel was walking with her older self. “So you know what happens in our life?” Older Ethel asked.

Ethel nodded. “Yes, how did you cope?”

“You have to for the children, it’s not easy but you can change what happened.”

“I will.” Ethel replied with determination in her eyes.

Older Ethel smiled. They hugged.


After saying bye to Joan, Ethel and Lee, Jack went into his and Jackie’s room. Jackie was sitting on the bed with young Ethel. “What are you two ladies gossiping at?” He teased taking his shirt off.

Ethel rolled her eyes. “We’re talking about going home.”

He raised an eyebrow. “When are you planning on that?”

“Not tomorrow but the next day.”

He nodded. “That sounds good to me.”

“Night guys.” Ethel says before leaving.

Jack got into bed and wrapped his arms around his wife. He nuzzled her neck. “Sleep well kid.”

“You too Bunny.”

Little did they realise tomorrow would be a heart-breaking day with their families.

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