Chapter 2

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The White House

July 2015

Jack landed with a thud. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around groggily. He saw Jackie, Bobby and Ethel; they were still unconscious on the floor. Jackie was slowly coming around. He finally looked up to see three shocked faces staring at him.

President Obama stood with Caroline and Rory Kennedy, both were startled as they realised who were lying on the floor. “Eh, Mr. President.” Obama said extending his hand to help him up. Jack obliged and got up.

“Where am I?” Jack asked startled.

“The White House.”

“Bobby you lied, it wasn’t a time machine.” Jack said to no one in particular.

“Yes it is.” Obama said. “This is 2015.”

Jack’s eyes widened as he looked around. “Jack?” Jackie asked sitting up. “Where are we? Who’s he?” She said pointing to President Obama.

Jack helped her up. “We’re…. we’re in the future.”

She froze and swallowed a lump in her throat. “Really?”

He nodded. He glanced back at Obama. “Who are you?” Jack asked. The two women looked familiar.

“I’m President Barack Obama.” He replied shaking Jack’s hand. “It’s a pleasure Mr. Kennedy.”

Jackie was looking at the two women. “Who are you?” She asked in her breathy voice.

Caroline gulped. “I’m…. I’m your daughter, Caroline and this is your niece Rory, Senator Kennedy’s son.”

Jackie froze. Her lips began to quiver. Tears flooded into her eyes when she heard her husband. “Buttons?”

Caroline ran into his arms sobbing, she pulled Jackie into their group hug.

Rory had wondered over to where her parents lay. She was shaking. Her father began to stir. He immediately began to fire the same questions that Jack had done. She answered them best she could. “And who might you be?” He snarled.

She looked into his eyes. “I’m your daughter, Rory.”

Bobby looked stunned. “When were you born?” He asked helping Ethel up.

“1968 after…..” She stopped; she didn’t want to finish her sentence.

“After what?” Bobby asked.

“Doesn’t matter.” She replied diving into his arms. She began to sob. Bobby gently rubbed her back, he looked at Jack. He looked as equally as pale and shocked.

“Why don’t we go upstairs? You’ve had a long journey.” President Obama said. “I’m sure Michelle will love to have you to stay.”

The Kennedys gingerly nodded before following him. Caroline stayed close to her father. “Who’s Michelle?” He whispered.

She smiled. “His wife.”

Jack nodded and took Jackie’s hand. “Where’s John?” Jackie asked abruptly, startling her daughter.

Caroline stopped. “Well….um… he died…”

Jackie’s mouth dropped. “What? How?”

“His plane crashed.”

She began to cry, she buried her head into Jack’s chest. He gently kissed her head. “You can tell us more later, I think we need some food.” He said hiding his emotion.

She nodded and guided them to the residence. Michelle stood utterly gobsmacked as she watched the once famous First Family walk in. What would happen now?

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