Chapter 5

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President Obama’s Private Study

Jack and Bobby paced nervously outside Obama’s office. Obama appeared. “Gentlemen, do come in.” He smiled.

Bobby glanced at Jack before following him into the office. They all sat down. “I know this must seem strange but I think it’s important we discuss what will happen but you will be able to change.”

“You mean other disastrous stuff happened after our deaths?” Bobby asked looking at Jack.

“Yes.” President Obama replied handing them a history book each. Jack studied it carefully. Bobby got angry by page one.

After reading the book Jack, went back to the chapter of the 1960s. He had skipped it. “What?!” He yelled startling Obama. “We lost a child?”

Obama nodded. “I’m sorry Jack.”

He scowled and continued reading. “NO!” He stood up. Bobby watched. “Jack, what’s wrong?”

“She married Onassis?”

“Yes, for protection and security.” President Obama replied.

Jack slammed the book down and stormed out of the room. Bobby had never seen his brother react like that. “Sorry.” Bobby said.

“It’s okay, I’m glad I’ve got the chance to talk to you alone, we have a slight problem.”


“Would you, Jack and Jackie do a press conference?”

Bobby nodded. “Sure.”

“There is just one thing…..” He said nervously. “And it really affects you and… Jack.”

Bobby narrowed his eyes. “What is it?”

“They’ll ask about your unfaithfulness and involvement with Marilyn Monroe and her death.”

Bobby’s blood boiled. “I can deal with the press.”

In the living room Jackie, Ethel and Michelle were talking and online shopping when Jack burst in. He looked fragile. Rory and Caroline were with the press. “Jackie…” He said taking her hands.

“Jack?” She asked puzzled, noticing the tears in his eyes.

He pulled her up and kissed her passionately. “Jack!” She blushed pulling away. “What’s got into you?”

He took her hand. “Excuse us.” They went to their room.

He shut the door and pushed her against the wall kissing her deeply. “I love you and I’m sorry for hurting you in the past.”

“What’s got into you?”

“Promise me you’ll never leave me?” Jack said looking deep into her eyes.

“Of course I won’t.” She was confused.

Jack nuzzled her neck. He gently picked her up and placed her on the bed. “Bunny,” She blushed.

Downstairs Caroline and Rory had just left the press room; both were drained from questions and curiosity about when they’d get to meet the time travellers.

“Caroline!” A voice called. She groaned and turned round. Her face lit up. “Clint.” She hugged him. “I think my Parents will be pleased to see you.”

Clint smiled. “I hope that.”

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