Chapter 1

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July 1962

The White House


Jack had just closed the door to his room when Jackie sat up. “Bunny?” She questioned glancing at the clock.

“Sorry. Kenny wanted to discuss some stuff.” He replied sitting down on the edge of the bed. Jackie wrapped her arms around him before nuzzling his neck. He groaned. “I need sleep.”

She smiled and helped him out of his suit. As soon as Jack’s head hit the pillow he was out like a light.


Jack had Jackie in his arms and he was snoring lightly. “Jack!” Bobby hammered on the door.

He groaned and slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes. “Go away.” He moaned but knowing Bobby wouldn’t.

“Jack, I’m coming in.”

Jack sighed. “Do what you like.”

Bobby stormed in, slamming the door behind him. Jackie stirred and sat up as the room filled with brightness. “Bobby, was it necessary to put the light on?” Jack asked squinting his eyes to look at his brother.

“Yes, this is a very necessary trip Mr. Grumpy.”

Jackie looked at the brothers. “What do you want? We’re trying to sleep.”

He rolled his eyes. “I found something. I was looking around the White House and well you need to see this.”

“Fine.” Jack groaned as he got up. His back stung like hell. Jackie pulled her robe on before helping Jack into his. “Follow me,” Bobby ordered leaving the room.

Jack glanced at his wife before looking at his brother. Jackie placed her hand on his back. He winched slightly but kept walking.

Bobby led them to the basement and pointed to a door. “In here.” He said before walking in.

Jack followed unprepared. Jackie switched the light on, she gasped. “What the hell is that?”

Bobby nodded. “Exactly.”

Jack studied the glowing item. “What?”

“So I did some digging and research.” Bobby said. “It’s a time machine.”

“A WHAT?” A voice came from the corridor. Ethel came in.

“A time machine.” Bobby repeated. “And we are all going to use it.”

Before Jack could object or say anything Bobby made them all join hands and he entered 2015. Everything went black……

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