Chapter Twenty Seven

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After leaving the house I went to the Chief's building to meet up with Jacob and Raphael. On the way over I caught a glimpse of Kenzo. I scuff to myself as I continue my walk. Honestly I never really liked him. We knew each other prior to Allonia being in the picture, but with Allonia being in the picture it only made things worse.
"Hey big man." Jacob jokes as they come into my view.
"Hey." I greet them both as Raphael nods us into the building. Chief Gam was allowing us to use the weapon room as our meeting area.
"Were you able to sleep on any ideas?" Raphael asks as we all take our seats around the round table.
"Well still the same basis just developed. We will have those who were already previously trained up on the front lines keeping anyone from coming at us. As a small group goes inside and grabs all of the children. However this group needs to be strong, our best of the best." I begin.
"So us?" Jacob asks in a duh tone.
"Well I can get Jessabelle on board and she will talk to Annabellel. While Jacob talks to Ted and Delilah." Raphael pitches in and I scowl.
"Delilah won't be going." I growl out as my blood begins to boil.
"Why not? Granted she is a bit of a pain in the ass but...." Jacob begins but I stop him.
"She is the one who attacked Allonia." It pained me to say it honestly. In my eyes Allonia is a very strong person but seeing the scars all over her body hurts me too look at. To be completely honest, something changed in her when she woke up. She seemed more fearful of her surroundings, as if someone was going to come up and finish the job.
"You're not serious?" Jacob asks as they both stare at me.
"I walked in on Allonia and her sister talking about it." I mutter. I'm happy that Allonia actually confided in someone but why wasn't it me? I know our past is rough but I love her. I don't know why it has taken me this long to see it but I do. And I am going to do everything in my power to protect her. "Anyway back to the plan."
1 years ago

    I had finished with bootcamp training and I was called to Chief Gam's office. To my dismay Delilah was already in the office. Delilah and I looked at each other for a split second before I turned my attention to Chief Gam. It has been two years since everything happened and since the last time we spoke in all honesty.
    "Now that you are both here I need you two to go to this location to get supplies." Chief Gam hands us a map where a specific set of coordinates were marked. "It should take no more than two days. You will be taking one of the vans. You two will leave in an hour so get what you need. You two are dismissed." With that we both turned away and left her office.
    "Meet at the cars?" Delilah asks, trying to keep up with my footsteps.
    "Yeah." Is all I say as I continue to walk away. She doesn't press the matter anymore as she goes to the direction of her home.
    Soon I am at my house, when I open the door I am greeted by the mask. On the kitchen table. Memories of Allonia flood my mind. I know Raph told me if we are meant to be we will cross paths again, but the pain I had to put her through. Do I actually deserve her to come back into my life? She is honestly the most woman I have laid my eyes on. She probably has someone else by now.
I took the mask in my hand and took it into my room. I opened my closet door and put it on the top shelf. I couldn't keep looking at it. I grabbed a bag and began putting in some clothing, weapons, and other necessities. I changed into all black jeans and a t-shirt. I heard a knock on my door as I finished getting ready.
"Come in." I tell them as I put my bag on the bed.
"Hey My-my." Luna's voice rang in the whole room.
"What is it?" I say impatiently.
"Wanted to come check on my big brother. I haven't seen much of you. Especially since I have been staying with Ava and her family." Luna plops onto my bed.
"Sure make yourself comfortable. I am leaving. I will be back in about two days." I put my bag on my back.
"Where are you off to?" Luna asks me before I can walk out the door.
"Chief has me on a mission. With Delilah of all people." I mentally roll my eyes.
"You should have let me at least punch her in the face." I laugh at Luna's remark. When I told her what happened it took everything to keep her from attacking Delilah. Since our parents died we have been somewhat estranged mostly because of me but my sister is rather stubborn. I delved into work and I didn't have much time for my sister.
"No because you would have had to deal with punishments."
"It would have been worth it." She smiles innocently even though she was anything but innocent. Honestly she has the potential to be a very promising recruit but she doesn't want to be involved in all of this. "Just be safe, and watch your own back." She crosses her arms making eye contact with me.
"I got this. Your brother is the best of the best." I pat myself in the back as Luna rolls her eyes and fake gags. "Good-bye Lu-lu." I waved her off as I left.
    "Well we would need Ted and Jessebelle up front at the leads of the front lines." Raphael tells me as we mock an outline of the plan.
    "Roughly here we can have the cars and new recruits. We will have guides to bring kids up." I add.
    "Well I have some new recruits in mind that could help." Jacob adds as he begins to scribble down some names.
    "I think this is good for today. We can meet again tomorrow for finalizations. Bring Ted and Jess here tomorrow." I tell them as we all leave the room.
    When I get home I grab Anthem from my hiding spot and sit down at the kitchen table. Allonia isn't home so I assume that Alondra and Lenna took her out somewhere.
"Hey." I hear Allonia make her way in the kitchen.
"Hey, how was your day?" I ask as she sits down in front of me.
"It was good I went out with Alondra and Lenna. I didn't know there was a market."
"It's newer. Chief wants things to begin to go to how life was before all of this." She just nods in response. She looks deep in thought so I just allow us to sit in silence for a few moments. I remove my attention from the book as my attention moves to her figure. She was nervously fiddling with her fingers, something I have noticed that she only does when her nerves are getting the best of her.
"We are pretty close to coming up with a reliable plan." I tell her as I put the book down. She looks up at me with some hope in her eyes.
"Are you going to tell me anything about the plan?" She asks me as she keeps eye contact with me. The brightness of her chocolate eyes were beginning to come back. I missed that light. It reminded me of the light she had when we first met. Especially when she spoke of her family.
"It's not finalized yet. We will finalize it tomorrow and I will be taking it to chief tomorrow night." I explain something flashes across her eyes. It left as soon as it came. I chose to ignore it, if it is important I trust that she will tell me.
"I will be with my sister tomorrow. I may go see Andreus too." I nod in response as she yawns.
"Long day?" I chuckle as she nods sleepily. I watch as her eyes begin to get heavy. She tries to blink away the sleepiness but it's a losing battle. "Come on you need to go to sleep." She doesn't fight it as she takes my extended hand. I walk her into the room as she crawls into the bed kicking off her shoes. I smile to myself as she begins to snore softly. I watch her for a moment before getting clothes together to shower quick before bed.
1 year ago
    "So you just aren't going to speak to me?" Delilah asks finally on our way back home.
    "That was the plan." I mutter as I keep an eye on what is in front of me.
    "Look I am sorry for what I did, you have to believe me." She snaps in the passenger seat. I refuse to look at her. The only reason why I am here is because of Chief Gam if it wasn't her order I wouldn't be here.
    "Your apologies mean nothing to me." I spat out. I am still angry with her. I know I shouldn't be holding a grudge but it still hurts because at a point I did love her. Or at least I thought I did. Now I don't know what I feel.
    "We were friends once. Can't we go back to that?" I look at her for a second but turn my attention back to the dirt road in front of me. We are silent for a while before we are stopped by a group of government officers.
     "Fuck." I mutter under my breath.
    "Get out of the van foresters." One states as the walk in towards the car. I slowly grab a pocket knife from the cupholder placing it in my pocket.
    "We aren't here to cause any trouble." I say as I get out of the car. Delilah follows me out with her hands in the air.
    "Yeah you people never cause trouble." The officer rolls his eyes.
    "Just let us go please." Delilah begs, her voice is shaking with fear.
    "Check the car." He instructs another officer.
    "We only have food." I growl out as other officers come close to Delilah and I.
    "We can't trust that now can we?"
    "We have a treaty signed so you can't hurt us." Delilah states. The officers all laugh in response.
    "Cuff them." Is all he says as they clasp cuffs on Delilah. I grab my knife out of my pocket jabbing the man behind me in the stomach. The officer just stands there watching as his other officers begin to attempt to fight but they were easily beaten and land on the floor with the other one. I wasn't trying to kill them but if that was their fate so be it. They shouldn't be doing this. As I knock one down I hear Delilah yell "Look out!" As she throws herself at the leader as gunshot goes off.
    I look at her shocked as he lands on the ground with a thud. I don't check on him. I just grab Delilah placing her in the van closing all of the doors and sped off. "What the hell were you thinking?" I snapped as we we far enough away from the scene.
    "He was going to shoot you Milo." I could hear her voice crack as I continued to drive.
    "You shouldn't have risked your life like that."
    "I did it for you. Milo I will do anything for you. I only have your best interest at heart." As she said this I didn't think much of it at the time but it's beginning to make sense now
When I finally get out of the bathroom I wrap a towel around my waist before brushing my teeth. While brushing my teeth I become more aware of my appearance, I look tired. This will all be over soon then me and Allonia can be happy. Everything will be set into place only a couple more weeks. Only a couple more weeks of exhaustion.
I finish brushing my teeth and get dressed drying my hair with the towel and hang it up. I walk into the room and stand at the door frame for a moment. I watch as Allonia's chest rises and falls with every breath she takes. She lightly snores, I am only being nice when I say lightly she snores like a grown man. I chuckle to myself at that thought. I finally bring myself to the bed placing myself under the blanket. When I begin to make myself comfortable Allonia snuggles into me. Holding me by my waist burying her face into my chest. I allow myself to let my fingers go about her curls as she sleeps and soon I fall asleep to the sound of my Allonia's snores.

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