Update on schedule!!!

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     So, I have decided that I will try and post at least one chapter every Friday starting on April 17th, 2020. This is just going to be a set predictable schedule. However there will be times that I will randomly post a chapter here and there. Also, I am very into music so just a question would you guys want a playlist of music that I listen to when I do write or is that too much? A lot of my music is either english or spanish.
     I know there isn't many of us right now however, I do really appreciate you guys reading this story. I know some of it can hit close to home because of everything that is going on so what did inspire me was to have some form of hope during this hard time. With a little love, dystopianness, and hope. Lol. Anyway... I hope all of you guys are safe and most importantly healthy. I will be back Friday with new stuff for you guys. Feel free to leave any comments. I would love to hear from you guys and get a little motivation to continue writing. 

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