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13. Resurrection



That was the first thing I heard when I woke up. Next, there was screaming, the sound of the flames, and children's cries. I opened my eyes and saw fire everywhere, people running around, helping others. I coughed as the smoke started to fill my lungs, standing up.

"Octavia," I mumbled, looking around.

I ran as best as I could, nearing tripping over dead bodies. As I ran, I saw homes destroyed, people dead on the ground, and that's when I saw Octavia and Abby trying to help some of the wounded. As I got closer, I saw Lincoln trying to lift some rocks.

"Octavia!" I shouted, limping toward her.

"Rory!" she shouted, quickly grabbing me when I almost collapsed. "What the hell's going on?"

"Mount Weather sent a missile. I came to warn you guys, but-" I said, then I stopped.

'I can't tell them about Clarke. The alliance would fall apart.' I thought.

"But, what?" Octavia asked.

"I don't remember," I replied.

"God. You're bleeding," she said, touching my head, and I wince at the pain.

"Don't worry. The wound will heal." I said, walking past her to Abby. "Clarke?" Abby shook her head before I sighed and said, "Clarke will be fine."

"Indra! She's alive." I heard Lincoln shout. I looked at Octavia, nodding before we ran to Indra, and Lincoln, Abby right behind us. Lincoln picked up the rock on top of her before calling out to her. "Indra!"

"Lincoln! Pull her out. I'll lift this." I said, grabbing the side of the rocks piled on her, lifting it.

"Got her," Lincoln said as he pulled her out, and I let go of the big rocks.

"Set ai daun, ripa!" Indra shouted at Lincoln, and I looked at him.

He let her go, and she stands up, looking around her, only to be shot on her shoulder, collapsing to the ground. We drop next to her, checking if she was okay when there was another gunshot, and another directed toward us.

"Octavia, go!" Lincoln shouted.

"Rory!" I heard her call as I looked in the direction of the gunshot.

"I'm right behind you!" I shout, following them to cover. "Right here! Stop!"

We all stopped, trying to see if we could spot the shooter. I looked to the side to see Nyko run out in the open in our direction, only stopping when he was shot at.

"Lincoln, you must stop the bleeding," he said, and Lincoln looked at Indra before pressing on the bullet wound, and she groaned.

"Indra, let me help you," Lincoln told her.

"No." Indra declined.

"Indra now is not the time," I said from my spot next to Octavia.


"What do we do?" Octavia questioned, looking at me.

Behind her, I saw a young grounder boy, who I recognized as Lowan, run out from his spot.

"Lowan, no!" Octavia shouted before he got shot, earning multiple gasps. "We're trapped."

"We have to get to him somehow. Take him down." I said, looking up, trying to see where he could be hiding before pointing up at the mountains. "Up there."

Wolfblood // Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now