MTW27: Owning

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A/N: sorry for not updating last week. Honestly, I'm in my writer's block phase, can't move on to the storyline and im stuck. This must be a sign...a sign that this will soon end.

Anyway, here's one for you.


"Breakfast?" King answered with his eyes not looking at the junior.

Ram just hummed then he leaned forward making the senior shut his eyes. He wouldn't dare to open it because he might lose consciousness if he saw Ram's eyes looking at him intently.

But, the junior made something more that he didn't expect. He felt soft muscle and hot breath pressing on his nape, then seconds later, he could feel his skin being sucked with warm and wet sensation.

"Oii!" He frantically shouted and opened his eyes but he saw Ram standing a few steps away from him then looking at him with an expressionless face. "Was that a dream?" King immediately doubted himself so he reached his nape but felt nothing there, however, he could swear to himself that there was a lingering feeling left on it. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked again at Ram who was now sitting at the table with a cup of warm milk.

"Thanks for the breakfast Phi."

"Well, this ThanThep King could also cook now. Hahaha!"

"How long did you prepare for it."

King almost got choked upon hearing the junior's question. "Err..just, a while."

Ram only nodded at him.

"At least I'm learning. Can't you just praise me for that?"

"Yes, very good Phi."

Like a kid, King was smiling the entire time they were eating.

Since it's the weekend, King decided to buy a new plant and drag Ram together with him. The junior obviously followed without any resistance.

Arriving in the shop, the shopkeeper who was already familiar with King raised his eyebrows when he saw Ram together with his regular customer.

"Oho, nong King, are you buying new plants?"

"Yes Phi. Do you have a new jasmine plant?"

"Yes." The shopkeeper answered but his eyes were still focused at Ram.

While King was picking his plant, Ram was sitting alone near the counter and was left with the shopkeeper.

"Are you nong King's faen?" the shopkeeper asked.

Ram looks at the shopkeeper and politely shakes his head.

"Oh? So you guys haven't confessed yet? I can see that you guys were still in the process of confirming your feelings. I'm rooting for the both of you."

The tattooed guy only nodded his head but was left with a question in his head. "How did he know?"

"Are you wondering how I know?"

Ram was startled because it's as if the shopkeeper read his mind.

The shopkeeper chuckled. "I just know, young man. Because the moment you two entered my shop, I could see how you looked at Nong King and how happy he was to come here together with you. It takes a lot of experience for one to know just in one glance that you guys were so in love."

Somehow, Ram felt proud and happy hearing that. Though King hasn't told him his feelings yet, at least he was permitted to stay with the senior.

A few minutes later, King came back with two pots of plants in his hands. "Phi, I'll get these."

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