MTW26: Initiate

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A/N: The long awaited....err... just read.


The exam block week made it hard for Ram to see the beautiful senior. Although he would constantly exchange messages with King, he knew it was not enough to convey his feelings towards King because it was the hardest thing he was trying to do ever since he met the senior.

"Ram, why do you look annoyed? Is the exam too hard?" Phu asked.

"No, it's not that."

"Ohh..then are you missing someone?"

Ram looked at his friend with narrowed eyes.

"What? Am I wrong? Don't you need vitamin K? You've been frowning since Monday, it's already Thursday now."

"I'm..just tired."

"That's why I told you, you need vitamin K. Are you even making progress or you're still trying to deny everything?"

"I'm not denying anything. And I'm taking it slow."

"Really? Why am I not seeing any progress? You two still looked the same. P'King is a great senior. Just lately I've been hearing girls and some guys too talking about him being beautiful and likable in many ways."

The handsome tattooed guy furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well, as long as you are loyal to him, I think there would be no problem. He's very kind."

That talk with Phu made Ram realize something again. He couldn't be careless or else he would lose King. Like what his friend said, King was very kind and it applies to all, not only to him.

When Friday came, Ram was determined to finally look for King. He was about to send the senior a message when he saw King talking with a tall man wearing a white coat. His eyebrows immediately furrowed because he knew the other person.

"Okay, I'll try to visit when I have time, Phi. See you." He heard King bid his farewell to the man whom Ram saw several times already. That man smiled at King gently and even pinched the beautiful guy's cheeks.

Ram walked towards King and stood behind the senior who was seeing the car of the man he bid farewell to. King turned around and was startled seeing the handsome junior looking at him.

"Ai'Ning! When did you get there? I didn't even sense you. Are you a ghost or what?"

The junior shakes his head. King stared at him and he could tell that Ram was annoyed.

"Are you in your period? Exam was hard? Why are you frowning?" The senior tilted his head while slightly smiling. He was actually happy to see the junior after being apart for at least a week.

Ram didn't answer the question so King assumed that it was just his usual facial expression. "Shall we eat together? We must celebrate the end of the exam block. Hehe"

They went to the usual place they eat together. King can't help but wonder what's making Ram kind of moody.

"Ahh, Ai'Ning, the rumors about you and nong Honey slowly disappeared. Did you do anything to clarify that?"

Ram shook his head.


"There's nothing to clarify."

"You mean, you two are really dating?"

The junior glared at the senior which made King zipped his lips.

After finishing their meals, Ram just walked behind King and followed him until they reached the senior's condo.

"Are you going to stay here?"

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