MTW24: Devotion

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A/N: I'm actually not planning to update this week but my heart can't let all those readers who were patiently waiting for the next chapters so.. let me give you two updates this week, and no update (probably) next week.

I'm sorry, my hands are also full by next week because of work and too many webinars to attend.


Ram's class finished an hour before King's. He went to the lobby of the engineering faculty building lobby to wait for King. Coincidently, Honey saw and approached him.

"Hello Ram. Finished with your class?"

Ram greeted her with a waii and he nodded his head.

"Who're you waiting for? A friend? I am also waiting for someone. Do you know when P'King will finish his class? I wanted to ask him about something."

The silent guy sighed. This was the thing he was saying before to his friend. Honey was not a potential partner for him because she's actually a rival.

"Mind if I sit beside you while waiting?"

Of course, he couldn't just push the star of their faculty away so she had her way. After waiting for at least thirty minutes, a soft wind blew and Ram could smell the scent of jasmine. His eyes dilated and he immediately sent a text to King.

Ram: Where are you?

King was already done with his class and was walking along with his friends going to the lobby when he received the message from the junior. His head looked around until he saw from their location the familiar physique of a very handsome junior sitting on the bench in the lobby but he was sitting with someone, a girl. The senior's eyebrow furrowed again.

"Guys, I'll go ahead now."

"Eh? Where are you going? Won't you eat first with us?" Bohn asked but King started to run away from them and waved his hand.

"Eii, let him be. He must be going to meet his husband. Seems like they need some time to talk. Let's eat nowww!"

"Huh? King's husband?"

"Oh come on, Father Bohn, let our beautiful King be happy with his husband. Stop denying them."

Bohn could only raise an eyebrow at Tee's statement.

When King arrived in the lobby, Honey immediately stood up and greeted the senior with a bright smile.

King greeted her back but he quickly looked at the handsome junior still sitting quietly.

"Ai'Ning, what're you doing? Let's go now." He held Ram's hand and dragged him away just like usual leaving the pretty lady alone.

Ram took a glance at Honey and saw that the lady was disappointed and frowning. In his mind he won this game but he could feel that King was mad.


The senior heard him and turned around to look at him. "What're you doing?"

Ram was confused yet he didn't answer the question because he doesn't know what the senior was talking about either.

"I gave you my answer already but it seems like you're not taking it seriously."


"Hmmp. Even if I am, I don't have the right to."

Ram felt so elated. He wanted to hug that beautiful senior in front of him who was sulking a little bit but he didn't want to rush things. Instead, he sighed and placed his hand on King's head.

More Than Words - My Engineer FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora