MTW25: Determined

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After having dinner with Ram's family, King felt closer to him but he could still feel the tension around Ram and his father. The junior's parents thank him for taking good care of Ram but he couldn't help but think that it was Vira who took care of him.

Back to his condo unit, King misses the giants and the tall handsome man that used to cause havoc inside his room. Before going to sleep he sent a message to Ram.

King: Ai'Ning, thank you for the dinner.

Ram: You're welcome.

King: Are you going to start flirting with me?

Ram: ...

King: Oh come on, you said you will close the gap of our status? Haha Is it okay if I flirt back? Can you handle me?

The senior was teasing Ram because he felt relieved knowing that their relationship from junior-senior was starting to change even a little bit.

Ram: You should sleep now.

King: Oiii! How come you won't answer my question? Don't you want to talk to me anymore?

After a few minutes he still didn't get a reply from the junior.

King: Why no reply? Are you sleeping now?

King: Ai'Ningggggg! 🥺

In the end, King decided to sleep with a little frustration but for now he didn't need to worry about his abnormal heartbeats anymore because he already accepted the cause of it and is now ready to discover the cure for his symptoms.

The next week, everyone got busy because the exam block was just a few days ahead. Although King was already smart as he is, he was not that carefree not to study. He was even helping Tee and Boss to catch up in some of their subjects.

While doing some note revisions with his friends, King saw Phu running to somewhere. "Nong!!" He called the junior.

Phu came over to them and greeted the seniors. "Why are you running?"

"Yes, are you trying out for olympics?" Tee seconded.

"Well, I was trying to look for Ai'Ram because he just texted me that there were some seniors from the faculty of liberal arts was ganging up on him because of AiHoney."

"Huh?!" The seniors exclaimed.

"Then, why are you alone? Why not ask for your friends' help?" Tee asked. Meanwhile, King was starting to get worried the longer they chat there means Ram would be in trouble.

"Eh? Why Phi? I'm not going there with my friends. I'm running to go to the infirmary because those liberal arts seniors might need help. Ram can handle them alone."

It was then when the seniors remembered that Ram was a boxer but that didn't make King feel any better.

"Let's go, if this won't just end with today, our faculty will have conflict with the faculty of liberal arts." King said and everyone agreed.

They all rushed in to where Ram might be. They saw the Honey standing behind Ram who looked calm and confident even though there were at least seven seniors confronting him.

"Give it up nong, we just want to talk with nong Honey." One of the seniors from the liberal arts said.

Ram wasn't supposed to get involved but he saw Honey being harrassed by the seniors so he interfered. He didn't say any words though.

"What? Are you a mute?" One of them tried to reach out for Honey but Ram immediately brushed the seniors hand off. Of course that prompted the senior to swing his arm and throw a punch on Ram but the latter caught it with ease.

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