MTW 8: Proud

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Let me just end this night with something about them as I am anxiously waiting for Saturday to come to have my RamKing pill of happiness again.

This is one is just short and probably just to build up what they have so far. I'm stirring something up for the next chapter though. Hehe Thank youuuu for reading!


The exam week was over and Ram was actually feeling good and quite confident with how his test went. He doesn't know whether it was because of his own effort or because of the blessed pencil that the smartest guy in their faculty bestowed to him.

He was meaning to return the pencil to King but he can't seem to find the senior. Ram didn't think about it too much because he knew that King would come around when he least expected it.

Ram was going to go home without ever seeing the silhouette of the senior or even hearing his senior's voice calling him "Cool boy".

At night, he wanted to say his thanks to the senior by letting him borrow his pencil so he sent him a message in Line. Ram received an immediate reply.

King: Ohoo, you're welcome. This senior is glad to be of help. ✌

Ram: I'll return it to you tomorrow.

The junior was feeling good because he felt like he was getting much closer to King than before. They did have some misunderstanding but King was really kind and knew how to get along well with people.

The next day, Ram saw King in front of the gear statue sitting and writing something. He approached the senior and placed the pencil in front of him.

"Hui, cool boy. When did you arrive? You sneak like a pro."

Ram only stared at King.

"Ei, thanks for returning it. How was it? Did you feel the blessing of this god King?"

Ram wanted to nod his head but he figured that King would just tease him so he just maintained his poker face.

"Uhh, how was the plant?"

King didn't even hear Ram speak any word but interpreted the junior's facial expression instead. "Ow, okay. That's good if they're fine. It's hard to raise it so follow the instructions I gave."

"Aren't you going to talk to me today?"

Ram shakes his head.

"Why? Do you have that particular mood or day when you feel like talking to me?"

Another shaking of Ram's head was the answer he got.

"Come on. There are no people around. Just speak to this generous and kind senior."

Ram sighed and turned his back to walk away but King halted him. "Cool boy! Oi! Wait wait! Let me just hear you say at least a greeting."

The junior put both his palms together and did a waii to the pushy senior.

"What was that? I asked for a greeting."

The silent shrugged his shoulder and continued to walk away. He can still hear the senior call him, "Cool boy! Oi!!!! " but he didn't stop at all. He was obviously used now to King.

Ram was with his classmates doing their module sheets when Phu asked a question.

"Hey guys, just a random thought, among the seniors, who do you like the most?"

One of them answered that he prefers to approach Tee because he's easy to talk with.

"Ohh, I actually think that P'King was the nicest among them. He even taught us sometimes when he saw us." Phu said.

Then, some of their classmates who were with them eventually agreed. They were all praising King how good and smart he was. The rest of them were talking about how kind King was.

Ram can't help but smile inside his head because if he was asked about King, he'll probably be able to say more than what his classmates have seen so far.

King was fond of plants, he liked to take care of it so much that his room was filled with it. He had a sister that liked to ship his own brother to men. He was pushy and always wanted to tease whenever he wanted to. King was afraid of dogs because of his childhood experience. He was actually scared of anything sharp in general. The senior was also interested to have a tattoo on him but can't probably have one because of his fear.

Looking back at it, he got close to this senior because of his witty attitude and curiosity. It turned out, he became one of those people that Ram became interested in.

Exam results were out already. Ram and Phu received their respective scores and Phu checked on Ram's score.

"What? How come you got such high scores? We reviewed it together!" Phu exclaimed.

Ram was just smiling at his friend. "Maybe I have a better memory than you?"


The junior saw King walking alone in the engineering faculty building and thought he wanted to treat King for helping him to get good scores in their examination with the help of his notes and blessed pencil, that is.

He grabbed King's arm and dragged him coming from behind.

"Oi! Cool boy! Where are we going?"

King wasn't able to get any response from the junior but voluntarily followed him while he kept on annoying Ram with his questions.

"Are we going to eat?"

"Are you going to treat me?"

"Cool boy, did you get your exam results?"

"Is this a celebration? A date?"

The last question made Ram turn to the senior. King was smiling widely.

"What? Is this a date?"

Ram shakes his head and sighed. This senior is really good at teasing him.

They went to a food place wherein the interior designs were filled with different plants hanging or mounted in the wall. King was mesmerized by it.

"Ei, Cool boy, when did you find out about this place?"

Ram shrugged his shoulder. The senior was still fascinated by different plants he's seeing all over the place.

When the server approached them for their order, King immediately asked, "Are you selling some of those plants over there?"

"Yes sir. The owner actually owns a garden shop besides this resto. If you are interested, you may visit it everyday in the morning until afternoon."

"Really? That's great."

King was so excited and happy to hear that. They placed their order and was just waiting for it to be served.

"Cool boy, thanks for bringing me here. I really like this place. I'll probably visit again here. Mind going with me? Na?"

A way to King's heart is through his stomach and luring him with plants. Ram nodded at the senior to accept the invitation. He felt happy giving back to King for all the things he did for him.

While having their meal, King never fails to take care of Ram as always. He would constantly give the junior pieces of vegetables saying it's good for his health as a student and a boxer.

King also asked about Ram's exam result which the latter proudly presented. He gave his result sheet to the senior.

"Ohoo! These are some good scores. Good work Cool boy. Bet my pencil contributed to it."

Ram faintly smirks while hiding his face by continuing to eat his meal. Inside his head, he can probably agree to what King said.

He felt proud and happy seeing the senior smile or even just having that connection with him. Little by little he knows that this person was stealing space in his heart.


[A/N:Aww..Proud future husband? Hehe

Sorry for the slow update, been busy writing my original novel "Switch" and I'm trying to think of a good plot for RamKing ]

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