MTW 12: Fluffy

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I'm taking a different timeline compared to the series and I'm taking it slow because I want to have more RamKing moments and subtle facts about them because I've got clearer view of Ram and King from the novel.


With his newly found determination, Ram finally came back home

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With his newly found determination, Ram finally came back home. His mother and Rund who was sitting quietly in the living room staring at their phone expecting some messages from Ram were surprised when the lost son arrived.

"Ram! Where have you been?!" His mother embraced his older son.

"Just... somewhere. I'm fine mom."

"You should've told me where you are. Your dad was trying to contact the police for days to report you but I just declined it because we saw your post in your social media account."

Ram just smiled at his mother and caressed her back to calm her down. He looked at Rund who was also looking worried at him.

"I'll just take back the dogs. Do we have something to eat?"

"Of course son. Let me prepare the food. Rund, come and help me."

"Sure mom."

Rund passed by Ram without saying any word but the older brother ruffled his hair as if to say he's home.

New semester starts and Ram has finally cleared up his mind so this time, he won't need to deny anything.

Duen and the others scolded him for his sudden disappearance and he just smiled though. There's this one person he wanted to see and a voice he wanted to hear. He's hoping to at least bump into the senior or maybe King would find him somewhere like he always does.

Meanwhile King and Tee arrived at the university quite early so they went in front of the gear statue where they always hang out.

Tee noticed King was scrolling something on his phone and was smiling happily while looking on it.

"King, what're you smiling like an idiot while looking at your phone?"

"Ai'Tee do you know some place where you can clearly see the sky at night and be surrounded by mother nature?"

Tee furrowed his eyebrows. "Here we go again with his weird tastes." He thought to himself but didn't say it out loud, instead he replied to King with a question too. "Countryside? What, do you like to camp?"

"I want to but you know, my parents wouldn't allow me to."

"That's why I told you to join my project. Hoyyy, I even told you that we would go hiking. There would be plenty of plants for you to worship there." Tee stated while almost pulling his hair up.

"Oh yeah, the one that you're planning."


"When will you do it again?" Thep King tilted his head.

More Than Words - My Engineer FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora