MTW 17: Longing

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King got one class in the afternoon but he wanted to arrive early in his apartment to rest some more so he left his grandmother's house at five in the morning. The drive was long but the road was still empty yet he took it slow because he was still in deep thought on how he would face Ram.

He arrived in his apartment at eight in the morning. His heart was beating fast when he was in front of the door of his apartment. Why would he be nervous when it's his own place?

As he twisted the door upon unlocking it, he felt the whole room in peace. "Where are the dogs?" He was trying not to be too loud because he might have caught the attention of the dogs. King was searching for that tall figure who could only tame the little beasts but the deafening silence was the presence he could feel.

He looked throughout his entire place but there was no trace of the dogs nor their handsome half-blood owner. "Did he go home already?"

King couldn't help but send a message to Ram because he felt uncomfortable. Empty, as if he was no longer used to having the presence of that junior. He realized that probably, one reason he became annoyed with Ram was because he realized the indispensable existence of Ram in his everyday life. It became part of his routine to at least see that junior who's surprisingly like an open book to him even though he was not saying anything at all.

King: Ai'Ning. Did you go back home already?

He waited for a reply but received nothing. The nervousness he was feeling was making him crazy. He never knew that waiting for a reply would be this nerve wrecking.

It was not until late in the afternoon when Ram replied to him but he was in the middle of the class so he wasn't able to check on his phone. His class ended at six in the afternoon. When he checked on his phone, his eyes immediately sought the message log between him and Ram.

Ram: If that's what you prefer, I'll move out tonight Phi. Thank you for everything.

King's eyes widened. It's not what he means! His fingers immediately typed the words that he wanted to tell to the junior but he was messing it up. Getting impatient, he dialed Ram's number instead.

P'King is calling...

Ram was taken aback. He was walking to go get back his dogs from Duen's house when his phone rang. He picked it up and placed it on his right ear.

"Ai'Ning! Where are you right now? Why do you interpret my words like that?!" King's voice sounded like he was annoyed. It was the first time he heard the kind senior talk like that.

"I'm going to get back my dogs."

"What?! I told you I don't mind them in my apartment."

Ram was actually confused because he was going to fetch his bestfriends (the dogs) from Duen's house.

"Where are they though? I was expecting that Boat would jump on me again when I arrived this morning, but he wasn't there, I mean, the three giants." King's tone went back to normal, that kind voice who always assured him that everything would be alright.

The silent junior couldn't think of an appropriate answer though the question was simple enough to answer.

"Come home. We'll talk."

Home. It was such a heavy word for Ram because the home he once called was now filled with ill feelings especially towards his father. However, hearing the senior say that word to him, it doesn't feel uncomfortable at all, instead, it just feels right.


When Ram arrived in Duen's house, he was warmly welcomed by Duen and his family. He told them that he was just getting the dogs, suddenly, the sky poured down heavy rain. Thus, he was forced to stay the night with them because Duen's parents didn't want Ram and the dogs as well to go out there in the heavy rain only to get drenched.

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