【☆】★【☆】 30 【☆】★【☆】

Start from the beginning

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Do you think I'm a top or bottom." Beomgyu blurted out.

Yeonjun's frown quickly turned into horror.

"Why are you asking me that. That's a weird ass question. I don't know." Yeonjun's horrified face made Beomgyu giggle.

"No but seriously, choose one." Beomgyu said.

Yeonjun put his hands on his hips and rolled his eyes.

"Bottom them. But with guys maybe girls too." He responded.

Beomgyu placed his hand on his chest offended.

"Me, a bottom?!"

Yeonjun nodded scrolling mindlessly through his phone.

Beomgyu's frown turned into a small giggle.

"Yeonjun, if I dated the love letter dude, would he top me?" Beomgyu questioned.

Yeonjun nodded.

Beomgyu smiled and bit his lip.

'I wonder what it feels like to bottom to someone, maybe it feels bett-'

"Beomgyu! Sorry that I'm late, but I'm here!" Joy walked up to Beomgyu interrupting his thoughts.

Beomgyu thinned out his lips.

"Uh hi Joy."

Joy smiled and hugged him.

"Hi cutie pie. We should go on our date now, come on." Joy gripped Beomgyu's wrist and she started walking to his car.

Beomgyu groaned and turned back to Yeonjun with an I'm sorry look on his face.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes and waved at Beomgyu. Beomgyu waved back.

The two of them got into the car and Joy took out her lipstick.

"Can we go to my house so I can get ready for our date?" She asked smothering on a giant amount of tint.

Beomgyu silently nodded and started to drive. The silence in the car was so thick that you could cut it.


Beomgyu had been mindlessly scrolling through Twitter waiting for Joy to finish the fuck up.

"Gyu! Which skirt should I wear? The blue one or the white one?" Joy shoved two mini skirts in Beomgyu's face.

"Um I don't know. The white one?" Beomgyu suggested with a shrug.

Joy sighed.

"But isn't the blue one prettier? I think I'll wear the blue one."

Beomgyu groaned.

'What was the point of asking me which skirt you wanted to wear then.' He mentally rolled his eyes.

After twenty more minutes of waiting Joy finally finished whatever she was doing.

"I'm done!" Joy turned around revealing her outfit.

She was wearing a blue mini skirt, black headband, and a white blouse. It wasn't a bad outfit. But Beomgyu didn't care.

"You look good." Beomgyu smiled stood up.

Joy happily grinned and followed Beomgyu who was walking out of the house.

Beomgyu had already dressed up and he wasn't wearing anything special. It was a hoodie and jeans.

He didn't feel like dressing up either.

The two re-entered the car and Beomgyu started to drive to a restaurant.


"So what do you want to order?" Beomgyu asked while he fiddled around with his fingers.

"Steak." Joy answered.

Beomgyu's eyes widened as he saw the price.

"Okay then."


ღ So I have a question, would you guys read if I did a smut chapter? It's fine if you won't, I'm just asking.ღ

Letters | Taegyu | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now