Part 17

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We all got back in the car and I never for a moment let go of Cameron's hand. Seeing him like this is the most terrifying thing in the world. Not knowing what I can do is the hardest thing ever. I don't know what is going on in the head of Cameron Frye but I know it's not good. Ferris took us to a house with a pool and hot tub. We sat Cameron down in a chair and put him on the diving board. Sloane and Ferris go into the hot tub and I sit on the edge of the pool not taking my eyes off the love of my life. 

"You feeling any better Cameron?" Ferris calls out from the hot tub. Cameron stays totally silent. 

"Cam! Why don't you come in here? It's really nice" Sloane tries to but still, Cameron doesn't make a noise or even flinch. "Cameron I could flip out real easy too, it's okay, sooner or later everybody goes to the zoo" I don't know if Sloane knows just how much trouble Cameron is going to be in. His life is on the line... both of ours. Because like I said... I won't let anything happen to him. Someone wants to kill him they have to kill me too. I look away from Cameron for a moment and then... SPLASH. I get water all over me and when I look Cameron is out of the chair and in the water sinking to the bottom. Out of fear, worry, and love, I jump into action. I take off my jacket and jump into the pool fully clothed. I dive to the bottom and grand Camron bringing him up to the surface. Ferris gets in too and we pull Cameron to the shallow end on the pool. We rest him on the step and I look at his closed eyes. 

"Cameron! Cameron please!" I rub his chest and neck. I go deaf to Ferris' cries too. We try so hard to get him to open his eyes. Panic runs through my veins. Then... I see those beautiful blue eyes. He has a smile on his face and all three of us get upset looks on our faces. "What the hell is that?" I freak and he looks at me. 

"Y/n Bueller you're my hero" Ferris wants to punch him. Sloane wants to scream. I just want to kill him. 

"Oh you son of a bitch!" Ferris freaks while Cameron laughs hysterically. But the mood quickly lightens when the boys start wrestling and Sloane gets pulled in. We splash each other for a bit and then my anxiety takes over. I hop out the pool grabbing my jacket and a towel. Before I can go anywhere else I feel a set of wet arms around me. I know it could only be one person. I turn around and wrap my arms around them and rest my head on his chest. 

"Thank you... for jumping in" I pull away a little look into the blue eyes I love so dearly. I can't say anything else other then...

"I love you" he smile and we share a tender kiss. This one... very wet. 

Everyone got out and we all dried off before heading back to the car. Before  Cam and I get in he hands me his jersey. I raise an eye brow at him. 

"Your shirt is soaked... I don't want you getting sick for real... put this one" Cameron... what planet did you come from? I smile at him and take off my wet shirt and exposing myself to Cameron... but I don't care that much. I take the jersey and put it on... it makes me feel like I am in Cameron's embrace even when I am not. 

We go back to Cameron's place set up the car to get the miles off of the odometer. We sit outside as good friends and just enjoy the forest. Cameron and I can't stop looking at each other or stop smiling. He makes me feel whole... I can't remember the last time I was this happy. But still can't get over what happened. I look away from him and put my head down. 

"What?" He says placing a hand on my back. I look at him with eyes of concern. 

"I'm just worried about you that's all... I mean... seeing you like that was terrifying" He rubs my back and pulls me close to him resting his head on top on mine. 

"I'm sorry, that whole time I was just thinking things over, I was like meditating. Then I like... watched myself from inside... I realized it was ridiculous... being afraid" We pull away and I look at him. I place a hand on his face and stroke his cheek bone. "Worrying about everything" He looks up at Ferris and Sloane "Wishing I was dead, all that shit, I'm tired of it" he looks at me again and grabs the hand that was on his cheek and holds it in his own. "It's the best day of my life. I'm going to miss you guys next year" There is silence... but it's a good silence... it just means... we're happy. 

He looks into my eyes and I feel my heart skip a beat. My emotions run wild. I want to cry tears of joy. But none of it matter... all that matters is that I love him... I love Cameron Frye. 

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