Part 10

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Just when I thought we were heading straight to the school to pick up Sloane, Ferris pulls over and quickly gets out.  He opens the trunk and grabs a trench coat, a hat, and a pair for sunglasses. 

"Where did you get those from?" Cameron asks.

"I put them in the trunk before we left" must have been when he left the 2 of us behind and then came back. "I have to make sure Rooney doesn't recognize me, now Y/N come here" Doing as my brother says I walk over beside him. He points at the trunk and looks at me.

"What?" I question oblivious, it was empty so he couldn't be asking me to grab something.

"Get in" That's not strange.


"Because you and Cameron have to hide Rooney is only expecting 1 person, not 3, so you get in the trunk and Cameron will hide under his seat" It was smart but I thought it was also kinda dumb.

"You're crazy" Cameron and I say unison.

"Get in the trunk, or I'll tell mom you faked it" I know he will too, just like I would tell dad that he has missed nine days.

"Fine" I knew I wouldn't win the argument, so I just did as I was told the first time and got into the trunk of the car. It was kinda cozy actually.

"Make sure not to dent anything," Cameron says with concern for the car and no concern for me... cool. I gave him a nod of promise.

*1 hour later*

Yeah, when I say it was cozy... I take it back. I am dying of heat and my arm got stuck when I tried to roll over. But... Finally... there was light, fresh air, and pressure off my arm. I was still stuck in the position I have be in for the last 30 minutes. 

"C'mon out," Cam says leaning over me.

"Um... Cameron... I would but... I'm stuck" I seriously I can't feel my legs. I can hear Ferris and Sloane's laughter coming from behind him. Cameron laughs too.

"Okay let me help you" he bends over and puts one of his arms under my legs and the other under my back. Then lifts me up and out of the trunk. I put my arms around his neck to make sure he wouldn't drop me. My body shaming mind starts talking to me and telling me You're so fat and you're going to kill his back.

"Thanks," I say feeling all my limbs get a little feeling back. I turn my head and saw Sloane. "Hi, Sloane" I wave... which kinda hurt my arm.  Cameron slowly put me down on to my feet. When he let go of me I almost fell back. "Oh shit!" I call out as I fell backward before I could land Cameron caught me.

"Jesus! are you okay?" He asks with a smile on his face and a laugh. I just laugh, smile, and nod. I feel like when I am with these guys... especially Cameron... there is no way I could be upset.

"Help me up! Please!" I  laugh out loud. He helps me on to my feet and he held me for a moment then let go of me slowly. Thankfully I was able to stand again.

"C'mon let's get this show on the road" Ferris claps with a huge grin. We all got into the car. Ferris and Sloane were in the front while Cam and I were at the back. I could tell Cam was still unhappy about the situation with the car. He wants it back home and he wants to be back in bed. 

After 20 minutes of full blast music and laughing, Cameron was still not talking or smiling. So I nudge him with my elbow.

"What?" He asks a little startled.

"Cheer up, we both know Ferris won't destroy a prize possession like this car" I smile in hopes of making him want to smile too.

"It's not Ferris I'm worried about, and it's not the car really" I am a little confused now. Here I thought he just really want the whole situation to never happen.

"Well, what is it?" He turns his head to me but I couldn't tell if he was looking right at me because of his sunglasses.

"It's you" huh?!

"Why would you be worrying about me?"

"Why wouldn't I be? You have been acting strange all day, you keep fading in and out like you're having flashbacks or going catatonic" I didn't realize I made it that noticeable. 

If only I had the guts to tell you, Cameron Frye why that kept happening... I would.

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