Part 7

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I don't know how Ferris does these things, but maybe I should keep my mouth shut and just pay attention or else we won't be having a good day off. 

The plan is in motion. 

Ferris is upstairs getting fancy while Cameron and I were in the kitchen. We waited about 10 or so minutes until Cameron dialed Edward Rooney's office number. Cam stood, of course, over by the phone while I sat on the island of my kitchen with knots in my stomach. As I looked down I saw a hand go on to my knee. I looked up and my eyes met with Cameron's.

"It will be alright," He said squeezing my knee a little and giving me a sweet comforting smile as he held the phone to his ear. I smiled back at him although I didn't mean it, he is one of 2 people who could make me smile, even when I didn't want too. The phone rang about 2 times until a female voice on the other line spoke, it is probably Grace. She is the secretary at our school, she is really nice and a little pin-headed. I took a deep breath and hoped for the best.

"This is George Peterson" Cameron changed his voice to a lower tone and moved his mouth a little funny. I covered my mouth to avoid any louder laughter. He got put on hold for about a total of five seconds. In those 5 seconds, he brought the phone down and looked at me. 
"We're in," he said and I gave him a thumbs up. My smile and will to laugh went away and I am now back to total fear. Edward Rooney then spoke. I knew because the mumble sounded familiar. "Ah, this George Peterson" I resist the urge to laugh but I couldn't resist the urge to smile. "Well, we had a bit of bad luck this morning as you may have heard... yeah, yeah, well it's been a tough morning an uh we got a lot of family business to take care of so if you wouldn't mind excusing Sloane I'd appreciate it" If I were Ed... I would honestly be convinced. As Rooney spoke Cam's expression changed from pretty calm to very confused.

"Uh-Uh Ed, I'm sorry, did you say you wanted to see a body?" WHAT?? I know Ed Rooney is sick but not that sick, geez.

"Oh?... No my wife's mother" Cam signaled me to come over to the phone. I did and he put it between both our ears, so we could both get a taste of what Ed is saying. My heart is beating quite fast by being this close to Cameron.

"Tell ya what dip shit, if you don't like my policies you can just come on down here and smooch my big white butt, pucker up buttercup" WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY?! We got put on hold for a moment. Cam and I both were still in shock from Ed. Then the creepy principal came back on the phone. Cam cleared his throat to the first word Ed said. I walked back over to the island. I think that's enough Rooney for one day. 

"Well I should say you do... well I think you should be sorry for christ's sake a family member dies and you insult me what the hell is the matter with you anyway?" I figured Cameron had things under control so I decided to head upstairs. As I am halfway up I ran into Ferris.

"Did it work?" He asked with a grin.

"Did what work?" I ask in confusion.

"Well I knew that Ed would be expecting me to call, so I did but while Cameron was talking" I am a little confused but I just shrugged it off.

"Well I going to my room I'll be down in a few"

"Okay, oh have you told him yet? You know how you feel about him" I rolled my eyes. I thought I put that out of my head until now.

"Ferris the poor guy has only been here for 10 minutes and I haven't had a chance or moment to tell him 'hey my heart pounds just by thinking of you' besides I might not even tell him today" I planned on it, but it may not happen.

"Pardon my french... but you're an asshole... asshole?! This isn't over yet buster, do you read me?... Call me sir goddamnit! That's better" We heard Cam from the kitchen.

"Gotta go, and you're telling him today"

"Yes sir" I teased and we both went our different directions. I shut my bedroom door and leaned up against it.  "How can I tell you something that I have been so used to holding on to?" 

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