Part 16

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Cameron and I talked for a little bit and we agree to not tell anyone for a little bit... at least until we figure out what the first step in starting a relationship is like. After all the art that we saw... and created. We got into a taxi and by now I knew the drill... I sit on Cameron's lap. This time he put a hand on my waist and I rest my head on his shoulder because somehow we thought that this was a subtle way of showing affection without drawing suspicion. Cameron leaned over and whispered in my hear. 

"You tired" I lightly nod my head. After today... I am going to crash. Pass out. I might not wake up tomorrow. "Okay," He says and thought he was just going to end it there but no "It's getting late buddy we better go get the car back home," He says talking to Ferris. There he goes again saying one thing just to save my ass. 

"What do mean? We have a few hours. We have until six" Ferris says... not caring that this whole time he is putting Cameron's ass on the line. He did it with Roonie, he did it with the car, he did it with the garage, he did it in the restaurant... at this point, I want to snap but I hold back because I don't Cameron to see me mad. 

"I'm sorry, I mean I know you don't care but it does mean my ass" I rub the back of Cameron's neck to show him comfort. If his dad finds out about any of this... we'll be having a funeral in a day. Actually probably not because his parents won't give a shit. 

"You think I don't care?" Ferris says oblivious. 

 "I know you don't care" Cameron and I say in unison. Only I say it into Cameron's ear and not to Ferris as he does. I look up and my eyes go straight to the car next to us... and my stomach scrambles into knots. There he is... again... my dad. His face in a newspaper. I willing to bet my face is white as snow right now. I think quickly everyone else realized it too because all jumped into action... somehow the boys got on the floor and I rest my head on Sloane's lap. While we waited for the all-clear the boys found a rabbit's foot on the floor and started rubbing it. Cameron hands it to me and I rubbed it a little before handing it over to Ferris. 

"What's he doing?" Ferris asks. I don't want to know... I want him gone. 

"He's licking the glass and making obscene gestures with his hands," Sloane says and I have to hold back laughter. Ferris freaks out and starts tickling her leg. 

When his car finally moved away Ferris go the idea to go to the parade that was happening. But when we all got out... he ran off. The three of us go on a hunt for him but along the way... I go lost in the crowd. I stayed along the back side and just looked for Cameron, Sloane, or even Ferris. I somehow end up in back alley unsure of where to turn. Fear sets in and it pushes me back against the wall... what if the don't find. They'll leave without me... they won't come looking for me. Thoughts run through my head and it brings me to the ground. 

Then... I hear it...

"Y/n!" Some one call out my name and I look up to see him... Cameron. I get up and run to him and we embrace each other. I know the scary moment was only for like five minutes but I over react and fear the worst in almost every situation. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lose you" Cameron says squeezing me tight. We pull a little and look at each other. He leans down and kisses me and I kiss him back. We pull away agian and that's when I saw... Ferris. But he is just smiling so I can't get to mad but a little embarrassed. We all share a laugh before heading to the garage to get the car.  

They're all talking about one thing but I don't understand it. We wait for the car but was only for less then a minute that it comes driving up to us. We all hop into the back like we did before and Ferris starts driving. As we drive I again rest my head on Cameron's shoulder. We don't have to worry about showing affection in front of Ferris now which is nice. Cameron's in a good mean which means the rest of us are too.

"Hey Cameron?" Ferris says drawing Cameron's attention and my attention too. "How many miles did you say this thing had on it when we left?" the question makes me a little worried and I think it does with cameron too. 

"126 and half way between 3 and 4 tenths, why how many miles are on it now?" Cameron leans over and the number scares him to shit. He breaks out in a scream and as Ferris continues to drive... he stops breathing. 

"Cameron! Cameron!" I cry out and look deep into his blood shot eyes. I rub his chest but he does nothing. "Cameron please your scaring me" I feel tears swelling up in my eyes. I look at Ferris who doesn't flinch. "Ferris please, we have to do something!" I beg and plead but again Ferris doesn't do anything. Until he pulls into a parking lot and as I look around we are surrounded by water. I almost forgot that Cameron loves the sound of the ocean. We somehow manage to get him out and rest him down somewhere nice a close so he can listen. We rest his head on my lap and I stroke his cheeks. Tears keep trickling down my face everytime i look into his blue and red eyes. 

Please... Cameron...

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