Part 14

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I am kinda thankful for Ferris' interruption but then again I am still kicking myself for being a wuss. Whatever may be some food will help. We all hop into a taxi but it is a very tight fit. Ferris was a jerk and made me sit on Cameron's lap but hey... I can't complain too much. Ferris picked Chez Quis. For lunch, Ferris chose the Chez Quiz... a fancy restaurant that I know for a fact I am going to hate. This is a restaurant that snobby rich people go to.  The taxi pulls up and I look at the door and feel my stomach knot up. No one thinks twice about this situation and we all just walk in. Three of us pull off to the side and Ferris takes a look at the reservation book. 

As we wait for Ferris I fell my hand slide down and suddenly someone grabs my hand. I look and see Cameron's hand. I look up to see his eyes of concern. 

"You alright?" He whispers. He knows that I don't like High-Class places and how I feel about the people who can afford the real fur coats. My Grandmother is one of those people and she always looked down on my part of the family... because according to her we didn't try hard enough and we are a lower class. I lie to Cameron and nod my head with a smile. He squeezes my hand and looks up at Ferris. 

"Okay, can we get the hell out of here? This place gives me the creeps" I felt my heart skip a beat. Cameron never turns down food so why'd he? Oh... Oh my gosh! Cameron... He only said that to get me out here. I can't believe him... Cameron... thank you. 

A waiter walks up to us and goes up the desk. He looks at all of us with the same look my grandmother always used to give. 

"Hello, may I help you?" His voice... it sounds like he has a plugged nose. I have to resist the urge to laugh. I think so does Cameron because when we look at each other his face goes red. 

"You can sure as hell try" Oh my god... Ferris not here... please don't be a smart ass. "Hi, I'm Abe Froman. Party of three for twelve" He says handing the waiter a some money. Why does that name sound familiar? Abe Froman... Abe... Froman... why does that- OH SHIT!!

"You're Abe Froman?" The waiter asks... oh no... I am going to jail for sure... FERRIS YOU'RE AN IDIOT! Did they not teach you about Abe Froman in school?!

"That's right, I'm Abe Froman" My brother holds his toothie grin. Ferris! You are not the...

"The sausage king of Chicago" The waiter finishes my train of thought and Ferris' face totally changes. Love to see how Ferris will get us out of this one. 

"Yeah... that's me" NO IT'S NOT! Ferris... please just... stop... for once just stop. I still proceed to hold Camerons hand which is good because I just start to squeeze in stress and fear. I feel him squeeze back.  I look up at him and he again has those eyes of concern while my borhter starts a little argument with the waiter. 

"Okay Abe, let's go" Cameron says trying to stop Ferris... but we're already in too deep of shit to get out. Ferris pushs him Cameron away and I can feel myself start to feel light head from forgetting to breath. I lean on Cameron and he hold me up making it look like he is just a guy giving his significant other attention. I kinda black out although I am still awake. "Ferris... please... look at Y/n will you?" Cameron says not letting me go but I assume Ferris doesn't give a shit because the next thing I know the waiter comes back and is grabbing menus. 

"Please... follow me" I start to breath and feel a little less light headed as we follow him to the table. 

God damn it! If i can't handle that how am I going to be able to handle telling Cameron how I feel. 

We finish eating and walk out of the restaurant to an amazing surprise. The back of my father's head. Cameron turns around and places me in front.

"What are you doing?" I ask him in a whisper. He looks down at me.

"Protecting you... hopefully" I smile and probably blush too. "We're pinched for sure," Cameron says look at Ferris.

"No way Cameron," He puts his hat on and I feel like I am about to see my life flash before my eyes. "Let's go," He says then putting on his sunglasses.

"Let's surrender" Hmmm... he wants to protect me... but he wants to also not protect me... what?

"Never" Ferris. Give. Up.

All three of them put on their sunglasses and then Cameron hands me his hat. I quickly put it on and we rush down the steps to the taxi that is sitting right there. Ferris goes first but nearly runs into dad in the process. We all start to freak out and by pure accident...

"Cameron. I love you" I let it slip out fear and just feel myself kind freeze. Thankfully it was just a whisper and he didn't seem to react... part of me is disappointed that he didn't hear me but mostly relieved. Dad walks away from the car and Ferris goes for it. Sloane goes in next and then Cameron and me... again I have to sit on Cameron's lap. When we get a mile away we all look at each other start to laugh.

"Holy shit..." Cameron says and I react with giving him a hug. Again... I didn't mean to. But I feel him wrap his arms around me and I feel warm... happy. I wish I could always feel like this but unfortunately, we pull away and look at each other with smiles.

We get a little farther and finally someone speaks.

"You guys are in for a major surprise" Ferris says and I get little worried.

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