Part 4

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I am starting to get blinded by the sunlight. I bring up my hand but it quickly gets tired. I sigh and look over at Ferris.

"I going to go an grab my sunglasses," I say sitting up from the chair. He just nods his head in response. I walk into the house and feel a quick sense of panic thinking that I am doing the wrong thing. Like I shouldn't be here. The feeling goes away when I remind myself that my parents aren't home.

I go into my room to try and find my glasses I look in all my drawers and all over my dresser top and nothing. I can't find them. The only other place they could possibly be... Jeanie's room.

You normally think that it would be me taking her stuff because I'm the younger sister. Welp you would be wrong. Very wrong. She is always taking my stuff even stuff that she already has but in a different color. Like her sweater she was wearing this morning, she has a blue one just like it but I guess she has to take my pink on that I have even though the color doesn't look good on her... sorry but it's true.

I walk in and start looking around but it was going to be a tricky task to find a pair of small sunglasses in this room that looks like the aftermath of a tornado. I look on her dresser and to my surprise, I find my glasses right away. I look in her mirror and in the behind me I see a purple book wide open but faced down. I turn around and walk over to her bed. Picking up the book I realize it's Jeanie's diary. I read the page it was flipped to out habit.

Dear Diary

Cameron looked at me in the hall yesterday he even smiled at me. That's not all! He came over after school and he actually offered me some Ice tea, but I politely refused. I am honestly starting to believe he likes me too. I should start planning for our wedding... Nah I'm getting ahead of myself. But it will probably happen... I mean he and I have known each other since I was in the 4th grade and I have liked him since we were in the 7th grade. I wonder how long he has liked me for. Anyways if Y/N thinks she is going to get her hands on him... she is sorely mistaken. Because... I am telling him... TODAY!!

A weight came on to my chest. I couldn't say anything.

"What do you have there?" I hear Ferris ask outside in the hall.

"Jeanie's Diary," I say not turning around to look at him. I can't speak... I mean... what?

"Oh yeah? what did you read?" I can't lie to Ferris. Every time I try he reads right through me. He is better than mom and dad. I have gotten at least 20 lies past them as opposed to the almost one I got with Ferris.

"She... she likes Cameron" I felt a little weight come off my chest but bigger one come on when saying the truth out loud. I am not so much angry but I am more afraid. I really like Cameron and if he likes Jeanie... then I have no choice but to respect his decision. I have no choice but to move on from him. I have no choice but to turn my back on my feeling towards him.

"What?" He came up behind me in his bathing suit and took the book out of my hand. "Y/N she is a hormonal teenager... this could be just a phase" I don't think he may have forgotten I am a teenager too... and I am for sure not in a phase.

"Clearly you didn't read the part about liking him for the last 5 years " I couldn't even make eye contact with him

"Oh," He says after finding the section I mentioned.

"She is also going to tell him... today"

"But how can she... Cameron isn't there"

"I know... but do you realize what that means?" I say turning around look at Ferris dead in the eyes. He shakes his head. My brother isn't always the brightest. "It means... that if I don't tell Cameron how I feel about him today... she will tomorrow" He takes a second to process. Then his eyes go wide.

"Okay... we'll figure it out... I mean I doubt that Cameron will accept Jeanie's confession and I doubt the two would last" that was when I put a hand on his chest.

"Ferris... it's Cameron Frye... we're talking about here" His eyes go wide again.

"Okay... we have to make this one of the greatest days of his life... and we'll finish it off my you telling him how you feel" It was my turn for my eyes go wide. THIS IS HIS BIG PLAN!

But I guess it's the best it was going to get.

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