Part 15

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We pull up to the Wrigley Field Home to the Chicago Cubs and I look at Ferris with the widest eyes ever. What the hell?! How did he? Holy Shit! 

We get all checked in and we get into our seats. While the boys and I enjoy the game Selone studies. I watch the field and the batter swings the bat and we all stand up when we see the ball coming towards us and with an even greater surprise Ferris... Ferris Beuller... my brother... catches the ball. The entire crowd cheers and I hug him with excitement. Both Cameron and I woo and sit back down. 

"Hey batta batta swing batta" Cameron cries out and looks at Ferris and me. We repeat the phrase again in unison. 

"Hey, Cameron... you realize if we were playing by the rules right now we would be in gym" Ferris points out and the two share a laugh.

The game comes to an end and we walk out of the stadium and Ferris puts a hand on my shoulder. I look at him and he has an ear to ear grin. 

"Your turn... where do you want to go?" I look at him and raise an eyebrow. "We had a deal... you pick one place for today... where?" I totally forgot about that. I run through my head of places that are in Chicago that I have wanted to go but never had the chance... until now... and only one comes to mind...

"The Art Institue?" I say it with a little hesitation that Ferris might say no. That place has always been on my heart. My grandfather took my there when I was just a really little girl... but when he passed away... I never went again. 

"Then that's where we'll go" I feel happiness fill me up to the point it comes pouring out of my eyes. I rwap my arms around Ferris and I feel him wrap back.  We pull away and he wipes away my tears with the back of his hand. We walk to the nearest taxi and hop in. The whole drive I can't stop smiling and my face really began to hurt.

We pull up the front and we all get out. I look at the building and remember coming here with my grandfather. The memories I have of him holding my hand walking me up the steps. Ferris and Sloane are the first to go up leaving Cameron and I behind. I feel him grab my hand I just think... sorry grandpa... not this time. We walk up the steps and into the the building and I am struck with awe and memories. I walk ahead and look up and spin. I look at Cameron and see his ear to ear smile... that's when I realized... through out today... I have fallen more and more in love... with Cameron each time I have looked at him. We walks up to me and grabs my hand again.

"Shall we look around?" he asks and I instantly nod my head with excitement. 

We look at each picture. Recreate the poses of the statues. Even have staring contests with the paintings. We evetually get into my favorite room. It looks like the night sky and it just brings me to peace and ease. I stand in silence and awe... then... 

"I love you" 

I look in the direction the words came from and I look directly into the eyes of Cameron. He walks up to me and puts to hands on my cheeks. 

"I love you Y/n Beuller... I have for a long time" My heart skips three beats... but I don't mind it. He leans down and slowly... it happens. Our lips touch and we share the most passionate moment I think that anyone will ever witness. I put a hand on his chest and one on his neck. He moves his hands to my waist and while all this happens with don't break the kiss. We stay like this for what feels like forever. When we finally pull away we look into each other's eyes..s and smile.

"I love you Cameron Frye" I say with such ease knowing I don't have to fear the rejection. But then he laughs at me and I get a little worried. 

"I know... I heard you outside the restaurant" my eyes go wide and feel my face go hot... I look away in embarrassment but then I feel him pull me in. He wraps his arms around me. "It's okay" I hear him whisper in my ear...

I never thought this moment would happen... I never thought... I would be able to call him my own. 

We share another look with each other and then reality hits. How the hell are we going to tell Ferris? Sloane? Our family? Oh my god his dad is going to kill me because I sure as hell won't let him kill Cameron. But it doesn't matter... the only thing that matters... is that we love each other.

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