Part 12

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Eventually, Cameron put me down and just outside of our 1st stop of the day. The Sears Tower. A building that I hated with a passion. I have a huge fear of heights. I get knots in my stomach just by looking down from my grandmother's 2nd-floor balcony, so if you put me up 1,353 feet... get a tombstone ready. We were just outside the building and I was frozen as soon as I looked up. I couldn't move and I could breathe. I could feel someone shaking me a little but I couldn't take my eyes off the sky.

"Y/N!!" Cameron yelled. Finally, I looked down with a jaw dropped to the floor. "It's okay. Nothing is going to happen" He said putting a hand on my cheek. The warmth of his hand on my face comforting. My heart pounded and butterflies went through my stomach.

"Y-you know I-I can't do heights" I felt like my lungs we squished together and I was struggling for air.

"I know, but I don't like the idea of you being out here alone" I giggled at his caringness. "So how about you come in and just keep your head down?" The idea wasn't my favorite but it was the best possible idea. I nodded in response. Cameron turned around but just as he took a step I grabbed his arm. He turned and looked at me.

"Can I hold your hand?" I felt like a really big idiot for asking only because I was sure he was going to make an excuse as to why I shouldn't. He giggled.

"You didn't have to ask" He said grabbing mine and pulling me with him. My heart fluttered. I was confused because he usually denies my request. We got into the elevator and Ferris pushed to the very top button. I kept my head down just as Cameron said to do, and although this helped my stomach was still in knots. Even while we were in the elevator. After what felt like 10 minutes of traveling nowhere but up, we finally made it to the top. In my head, I kept telling myself that I was only on the second floor or third floor, the fifth floor at the highest. No matter how many times I said in my head I was still not convinced. The elevator doors opened I immediately closed my eyes and let Cameron take me to where ever.

"Keep em closed" Cameron spoke. I took a deep breath and nodded. We kept walking but we came to a halt.

"Wow it's so beautiful from up here," Sloane said. I freaked out a little because I knew that meant we were possibly close to a window. "Y/n you have to see this" She was the only one here who was unaware of my fear of heights.

"She is afraid of heights" Cameron answered.

"Ever since she fell out of the tree at our place" Ferris brought the memory back, thankfully all I got was a broken arm.

"Hey, Ferris do you think the car is okay?" Cameron asked changing the subject.

"Sure" This was a very reassuring answer... I am being sarcastic. "Step up onto the railing here," Ferris said. I here the *tinks* of Sloane's and Ferris' shoes making contact with the metal railing. "C'mon everyone, Cameron." I knew Cameron wasn't wanting to let go of my hand and I didn't want him to either, but I wanted him to have fun.

"Go ahead, I'll be fine" I smiled. I heard a sigh and he released my hand. Standing there I heard some other voices coming from behind me and only hoped that they would notice me and go around. They didn't though. I was bumped into and I fell on the ground.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry," A male voice said. Out of instinct I opened my eyes and looked at the well-aged man.

"It's okay, it's my fault I should have moved as soon as I heard you coming" I smiled. As I got up I happened to look out the window and saw the cars at the very bottom. My heart stopped and I became cold. I lost focus on what was happening. I couldn't even here Cameron calling my name. But as soon as someone touched me I fell over.

"Oh shit!" Someone called out grabbing me before I could hit the floor. It wasn't until I was outside that I came back to the now, do to the fresh air.

"Y/n?" a male voice said. I looked around and saw Cameron.

"Cameron?" I bring a hand up and put it on his face, to make sure he was real and I wasn't dead.

"Are you okay? I was worried about you" He said leaning his face into my hand like it was the softest blanket he ever felt.

"I think so... everything is a little fuzzy, can we just go somewhere else?" I just hand to get away from this place and move on with the day.

"Yeah of course" He stroked my cheek and tucked some hair behind my ear. Ferris and Sloane came up beside us.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sloane asked putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded.

"Here" Ferris handed me a bottle of water. I smiled in appreciation and took it.

After a few sips, I was ready to move on with the fun-filled day.

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