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I'm proud that I've even gotten this far....😅

Keep your head up. Even when times get hard I believe you have the will to get through. There is someone out there who can help you. And if you're like me and don't like help just think of the positive things in your life. I love you I really do.

Jungkook's POV

After leaving the pub I called jimin." Hey kookie" The boy answers in his usual sweet tone." Hey Jiminie, are you at home?" I asked while running my hand through my hair.

"Yes love I just got home. Jin hyung dropped me off." The smaller replies with his honey voice.

"Okay baby well I am going to pick up some food and head back home." Replying while using a soft tone. The soft tone that I only have when talking to the smaller.

"I love you" The smaller says with a smile evident in his voice. "I love you more, I will try and be fast love. Bye." Reluctantly turning my phone off and sucking it in my pocket.

I walked over to a nearby restaurant and ordered the same thing for both me and the younger. The young man behind the counter told me that it was going to take at least 30 minutes.

Since the food would take a while I walked out and searched up a nearby jewelry store. Luckily there was on at the end of the block. While making my way to the store Namjoons words kept replaying in my mind.

As much as I wanted to propose to jimin the one thing I didn't want was to scare him away. There was no telling how the older would react. Pushing these thoughts aside I walked into the store.

It was the typical jewelry store. There were many things on display such as necklaces, rings, earrings, etc. You know the normal stuff you would expect to see.

After looking around at all the different items on display a pair of rings caught my eye. The rings were silver but has two small gold streaks on each side.

There was a women behind the counter not to far from were I was. The woman was watching me the whole time, the reason I knew was because I could feel her gaze on me since my entry in the store.

Politely I asked her if she could let me see the rings up close. The woman unlocked the case with the keys  that hung around her neck. She put the set down in front of me.

" Those are promise rings" she says while staring directly at me. "Do you really need them?" She asks in what I'm assuming is supposed to be a flirty tone. "Yes, I do for me and my BOYFRIEND" I replied majorly emphasizing the fact that I had a boyfriend.

The woman looked suprised and quickly stood up straight. She cleared her throat and patted down her shirt. She was obviously embarrassed at this point. "Ohh... well these would be prefect for the two of you." She says in a friendly tone instead of a flirty one.

"I'll take them." While pulling the money out of my wallet she placed the two rings in a bag. I handed the cash over and took my change from her before scurrying lot of there.

Gosh she was so desperate.... I hate when people act like that. I'm glad my jiminie didn't act like that.

I took the rings out of the small bag and threw it away before stuffing the rings in my front pocket.

When I arrived back at the restaurant the food barely finished. Right on time.

I rode back to our place. Upon pulling up the smaller was outside. It looked as if he was waiting for me. Quickly I paid the driver and jumped out.

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