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I feel this song was made for them.... it fits them so well. Also enjoy the video :))

What's meant to be will always find it's way......

Jin's POV

Something I believe in is fate, or destiny whatever you want to call it. Some people are meant to come into your life at certain times. Sometimes it's for the better and maybe sometimes it's for the worst. Being around jimin I have this gut feeling that he is the person missing from jungkooks life. I believe he will be the one that helps the younger.

When I left the cafe to go on a "date" with joonie they were talking about who knows what. When I was there they didn't talk much and I'm sure its because they didn't want me to hear them. The thing I did notice however was how much they were staring at each other.

I want nothing but happiness for both boys. I'm not sure how jimin is yet but he seems to be pretty similar to jungkook. I just hope they work out in some way. But one person worries me, Han- Jae. He is kooks ex and he likes to make his life hell. The boy constantly tries to bully and embarrass him but since kook doesn't care it never bothers him much . I'm scared that the boy will go for jimin since junkook has obvious feelings toward the boy.

Maybe I'm overthinking it. I should probably just go to sleep. I close my eyes and try to sleep without worrying.

Jungkooks POV.

It's been a little over two months since me and jimin have been living together. Everything has been going so great between us. We both have jobs and when we get home jimin and I take turns cooking. Sometimes we even cook together.

On the weekends we stay in and share lots of lights while watching tv. We both are mostly open with each other and make sure we let each other know how we feel. Mostly.

The one thing is that we are still just friends. I really like jimin a lot but I'm scared to lose him from my life. I have no idea how he feels toward me. What if he doesn't feel the same? What if I confess and things become awkward between us. I really love how things are now, and I don't want to mess it up.

A couple weeks ago jimins friends came over to visit him for a week. They were pretty fun to be around. Yoongi was very chill and quiet just like me. Tae he was also pretty calm , but his sense in style was very bold. The older did cry a lot though because he missed jimin. The entire time me and all of the other boys stayed in the house played games. Jimin was not as good as his friend tae but it's till cute how he tried. We also got to know more about each other, even though I didn't tell them half of the things I told jimin.

Me and jimin would visit Jin, Hoseok, and Namjoon often. Jimin has become really close with my friends. I was actually happy with how well they all got along.

As for me, I am infatuated with the smaller boy. I find anything he does adorable, and have not been this happy in a long time.

But sadly school is supposed to start in about a week or so, and I didn't want this summer to end because it has definitely been the best one I have had.

Since school is close I wanted to do something special for jimin because of how he treats me and how well he takes care of me.

The one thing I hate to share with anyone is the moon and stars. I know that they aren't mine but I really don't like to sit with anyone and look at the stars. Normally that is something I do alone so I can think. It is very special to me and I want to share the specialness with the person I love.

Wait I love jimin!?!! I can't believe I just thought about that. Maybe it's too fast but I mean idk. Well anyway today I was off since I had to work on Sunday last week. So I texted jimin to see what time he would be getting off. He replied not even 6 seconds after I sent the text saying he will be off at 8pm. I love how fast he texts me back even though I'm sure he is busy. It shows that he really does care about me in some way.

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