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Be you.... no matter who says anything. You are an amazing person already I can guarantee it. 💕

Jimins POV

* ring ring ring*

It is currently 2pm and my phone is ringing. Who would be calling me anyway. " Kookie, could you answer my phone while I finish getting dressed" Me and the younger spend the weekends doing mostly nothing. All we do is spend time with each other. So at 1:30pm we decided to jump in the shower since we didn't wash up this morning or last night. We both got out at the same time but the younger gets dressed faster than me.

"Yes love, I will get it" while pulling my pants up I can hear the younger's heavy footsteps walking in the direction of the phone. Then in his deep voice which I find sexy as hell the younger picks up the phone answering with a " hello hyung"

Just by the younger's words i guessed that the phone call had to be from either Jin or taehyung. The reason I guessed this was because those boys were the only ones who called me.

Quickly pulling on a loose fitting black shirt *which belonged to junkook* I walked out of the restroom. The door was not closed since me and kook live together and share a room now.

The younger was still on the phone. It seemed as if he was whispering because I couldn't make out what he was talking about. Moving in his direction I looked up at him and mouthed "who is it."

The boy handed me the phone with a huge smile on his face. I was confíes on why he was so happy, but ignored it and put the phone to my ear.


"Jiminie it's me yoongi"

I was very surprised since the boy never calls anyone much less me."Oh hey hyung, why did you call?" I asked while sitting down next to junkook." Well we have some very exciting news." The boy says in an excited tone which is not like him at all." Well what is it hyung?"

Just then the doorbell rang. Annoyed at the timing I looked over at the younger who was currently playing with my fingers.

"Hang on hyung someone just showed up to the house." As I was walking to open the door I noticed my phone turned off. Yoongi has hung up on me. "he can be a jerk sometimes." I mumbled under my breath.

The younger was following me to the door with a wide smile. This boy is so weird smiling over nothing. Sometimes I question if he is really okay.

I open the door and am faced by my two best-friends. " tae tae, hyung what are you doing here?" I ask while pulling them into a group hug. After the big is broken me and kookie invite the boys inside."Well chim we have exciting news remember." "Yes hyung i remember, but you didn't have to come all the way to Busan to tell me." I say with a pout.

My gaze stayed on the two boys even while jungkook was cooeing at me. All three of them exchanged looks before taehyung finally spoke "Jimin we moved to Busan!!" He says excitingly. "Omg really?!??" I stood up and started jumping up and down along which tae while screaming.

Jungkook and yoongi stayed still while laughing at our reactions. "Why though?" I asked once we stopped jumping. "Well because we wanted to be closer to all of you guys" tae answers my questions while sitting back down next to his boyfriend.

"I think this calls for a celebration" the youngest says with his adorable bunny smile." Okay that's a good idea kookie. I will call Jin, and Hoseok." I say while walking in the taller's direction.

"Kook and I will go bring some snacks and beers." I continue ranting on while reaching for my phone. "You two can stay here" the younger says looking in the boys direction. He then tosses the remote at them. " you can watch tv and relax until we get back." The taller says.

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