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Days flew and eventually the day to depart for our trip came by. I was so thrilled and anxious at the same time. I felt anxious to see Axel, like what if I see him and my feelings for him grow? Moreover what if he perceives me as nothing but a friend?

After minutes of overanalyzing and overthinking, I decided to give my views a break.

The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the early morning sky. I looked up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity. Removing my phone from the charger I took a glance at the time. It was three. We were leaving at four.

My humans have been trying their best to keep me not so prepared for the trip, all I knew was that we were leaving at four by a private luxury train, it was a day journey. It seems that during travel there are many beautiful views and that's why they have chosen to travel by train. There was an option to go by flight too but we preferred going by train. The guys said that they would join us too.

Those who had their vehicles could go on their own to the station but we didn't have any and so we were gonna go with Alexander, the one who bought us to this uni. Our cunaricus jess asked him to help us out and we were so grateful. Jess left a few months back to take care of her sick grandmother and we didn't like having anyone else as our cunaricus and so shes still our cunaricus. We still stay in touch and update her on our life details. She'll come back to lujo in a few months as her grandma has gotten better over the months.

The guys wanted to pick us up but we refused. They were asked to make sure the trip goes well so Axel, Ced, Caius, and Jedrek were busy with all the arrangements and we didn't want to bother them.

After mentally checking and acknowledging that we had packed everything, I went to the bathroom and took a bath. I decided to wear sweatpants and a hoodie as it would be more comfortable during the journey.

I woke up Beth and she got ready too.

After locking our room, telling a little prayer we left our dorm. The dorm was buzzing with excited college students. All of them were pulling huge trolleys and making their way to their rides.

We waited a few minutes for Alexander. Eventually, he came. Waving is hands and with a toothy grin, he walked towards us.

"Hello dears, nice to see you girls, after so long," he said and stood in front of us.

"We're so glad to see you too!" I said and smiled at Alexander

"So shall we leave? We have just enough time to leave"

We agreed and made our way to the car. After loading our luggage we sat inside the car and left for the station.

The drive was a short one and Mr.Alex kept the conversation going during the travel inquiring us how our college life was and advising us to stay safe during the trip. We reached the station eventually. We unloaded our bags and went to the platform where the train would arrive.

The station buzzed with excited university students.

The guys said that they would meet us at the starting of the platform.

After convincing Mr.Alex that we would be fine even if he left....we bid him goodbye and he left. He wanted to stay until our train denatured. We told him that the guys would be here in a few. It was way too early and we didn't want him to stay here for us.

"They told us to wait at the entrance right?"Beth asked to which I nodded

We sat on a bench while keeping our luggage close.

I was a little bit sleepy as it was still dark. Crossing my hands I rested my head on the bench head.

My phone rang. It was Axel. I picked it up with excitement.

Mr .Not so perfectWhere stories live. Discover now