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His sudden actions left me out of words
I'm confused
I just sat straight and pretended to listen to the classes while I was very clearly distracted by my recent benchmate
He was looking at me first but then turned to face the professor but still had his playful smirk
I just wanted to wipe his smirk off his face

I had many questions running in my mind
Why did Axel say that he came for me?
Is it to prove that he is the best?
Is it to show that he can do anything?
Or is it simply because he is a good guy and wanted to attend this class for reasons god knows why
I'm confused.

"Excuse me Miss" this was what brought me to reality

I saw my professor look towards our direction and followed the good old trick.... I pretended to not see him and kept a straight face

But It didn't work out

"Miss near the window can you answer my question? "

"Mmm yes sir. "

"The American National Council of
Teachers of English separates   English and language arts into how many basic categories?"

I blinked cause I wasn't paying any attention to the classes
I don't focus a lot in English classes
Maybe I should from now on.. Shit!

Not today..... Axel was here... God..

"The answer is five"  Axel whispered

I went to answer my question when I heard someone else also whisper

"Ro the answer is three" said Beth

Well I trusted her than Axel
He might tell the answer wrongly just to make me feel ashamed
He might... It's all about the possibility

"The answer is three sir " I said aloud

"Well your answer is wrong miss"

"Is it five"

"Please take your seat "

Thank God
Luckily the classes ended almost instantly

"Should have trusted me" Axel said while raising his maybe threaded eyebrows

"I don't trust people easily and thank you for distracting me " I said ironically


"Yes you did disturb me during the classes and that's why I wasn't able to answer the question "

"Well you did answer the question because of me though, so why all this scene? "

"Wait so now I'm causing a scene??"

"I had to manage my schedules to take this class with you and you don't at all seem happy about it.... Well you seem super irritated because of me... What have I done so wrong?? "

"You didn't have to.... "

I don't understand what's coming out of my mouth
I am getting irritated very easily
Maybe I'm gonna get my periods

"I didn't have to what?? " Axel asked while his blue eyes focused on me

"You didn't have to manage your schedule to take classes with me , I didn't ask you to... "

"Well thank you Ms. Ro.... Thank you for being so unwelcoming "

What's wrong with this guy?
He himself came to this class and now wants me to feel as if I was the reason why he came here

"Ro.... All are seeing here " Beth said which made me stop staring at Axel

"Let's go " I said and pulled Beth and walked without even turning around

Mr .Not so perfectWhere stories live. Discover now