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After the guys left, Me and Beth went to our room.
Something was wrong and I could feel it. Beth was not herself. She was dull.

I noticed that something was wrong at the cafe itself. Cedric was gloomy.

"Beth,What happened? " I asked her.

No reply.

"Beth! " I said little louder shaking her.

"Hmm yeah " she asked while looking confused.

"What happened? " I asked as I was sure something was up with her .

"That!!?Man!! I-" she started and I looked keenly at her .

I nodded my head signalling her to go on.

"That.. I - " she started and all of a sudden broke into tears which left me in shock.

What the heck happened! We were having fun all the while!! 

"Beth! What happened! "

"Cedric is such an idiot Beth. I hate him "

What the heck did he do!

"He-... He-... "

"Go on Beth"

"Remember what happened in the cafe... I scolded you and them for coming to the cafe right ..."


"Well Cedric was trying to calm me... And then he lost it and told me that I am being dramatic...."

"Beth... Are you crying so much for that...I tell you that too... You haven't cried before " I asked shocked.

"You're different Ro... You're my best friend.... I don't know what he means to me....it's like even a small thing he says is like hurting me... I haven't been like this before ....i don't know how to explain this... Like... "

"Maybe you like him like a woman loves a man " I said analyzing the situation.

"I think so too " Beth said and blushed.

Woah! It's happening!!

"So you guys are a thing? "

"What no! We haven't had the official proposal yet " Beth said blushing.

"I don't even know whether he likes me back... " she continued.

"He does.. He freaking likes you too!! " I yelled.

"How can you be so sure? " Beth asked confused.

"Well long story short.... Me and Axel have been on a undercover mission to pair y'all up... Cause I felt like you liked Cedric and Axel felt like Cedric liked you ..."

"Woah For real! " Beth asked excitedly

"Yeah" I squealed.

Both of us held hands and started squeaking and jumping up and down like idiots.

It's my bestie's first boyfriend y'all!!

"Ok so... Beth are you gonna say him how you feel. "

"Yeah! I ain't gonna keep it hidden"she yelled with excitement.

"I can't wait to go to college tomorrow" I said with excitement.

Both of us went to bed. I wasn't able to sleep though. I was just thinking about life and how quickly it passes even though it appears to be going slowly.

Like Beth and me knew each other since the age we used to fight about toys and here she is going after her boy.

Time does fly.

Mr .Not so perfectWhere stories live. Discover now