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Or anyone for that matter, I have no idea, it's just good to read just in case.

- All of these are randomly generated by "Wheel Decide." (It's a wheel for deciding things)

- If you do not know the Zodiacs. Look up "Astrology" or "Zodiac Signs." If you do not believe in them, that's fine! It's all for fun with friends or just being alone. No need for seriousness. We chill here!

- These Zodiac Charts will all be organized by horror game, movie, something like that.

-NONE OF THE HORROR ICONS OR WHATEVER ARE OWNED BY ME. THEY ARE OWNED BY THEIR RESPECTIVE CREATORS. (Sorry about the all caps, this one's important. This counts for the aesthetic pictures too.)

- I am fond of swearing as well. So if anyone is sensitive to that, then... run for your life. (I pray for you.)  

-Also, if blood and gore is not your thing, that's fine. Just don't look up these horror things and run. DON'T LOOK BEHIND YOU. (Just tickling your pickle. Not in that way.)

- I am aware of the flooding of Zodiac Books. They're everywhere. If it isn't really for you then don't let things like this ruin your experience. Can't stress myself or others enough. (I lost the power to do so a long time ago.) Go explore other areas of Wattpad. There are so much more other inspiring authors that use this platform. GO! BE FREE!

That's basically it I think. The only rules really are to keep the vibes good. We don't wanna be vibe checkin' now do we? Ah well.

- Also, I'm a Pisces if anyone is a first time visitor on my profile!

Now lemme go before I ramble on about every detail.


(Also, if you have seen my books, I am so sorry, I was lazy on the rules and tried my best to edit them to the book's needs. So the rules are copied from my "Revised" book.)

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