Chapter 10

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[1 1/2 months later]

"Y/N baby.. You gotta wake up. Help is coming baby, help is coming. Remember I taught you to always have faith in God baby. Keep your faith strong, I promise you help is coming." My mother spoke to me as she stroked my face.

"But mama I feel so weak, so helpless. I feel like dying... It's been weeks now mama. I'm not sure I can hold on anymore, my body hurts, my mind hurts mama... Please take me with you ? Please." I begged her while placing my hand on hers.

"Young lady, I don't recall teaching you to be one to give up on something when thangs ain't goin' right for ya. What happened to my lil soulja Y/N ? The money done got to ya head babygirl ? I want you to wake up and fight for your life. It ain't your time yet baby." My father spoke while staring at me.

"Wake up babygirl, remember I told you, help is coming soon. Pray and keep your faith strong!" My mama spoke as she faded, I began hearing the voices of the men who'd kidnapped me.

Yes, I'm still in this place, things have gotten worse since the first day I've gotten here. Worse than I could even begin to prepare myself for. I've been beat up so bad I'm not sure if I can feel any inch of my body. When he comes down here all he does is cut me up, slap me.. Beat on me. My clothes are tattered, my hair is matted, my breath stinks, I smell horrible because they haven't given me the chance to bathe. I have to scream through tape for when I have to pee and even then I have to piss in a bucket. I've been raped countless times by this savage, so I could honestly say at this moment and these past moments my faith was faltering honestly. I've been beat on, maltreated, malnourished and one thing I never thought would happen to me, I've been raped. I hadn't seen the other one who came since the first night so when I opened my eyes and saw him in front of me I was surprised. They'd brought a tv on a stand downstairs and plugged in it telling me to watch the news.

Even through heavy eyelids I could see my face on the screen, everyone was searching for me. I smiled behind the tape weakly and shut my heavy eyes back then dropped my head back down, my ears still perked and listening intently as the woman spoke.

"Y/N L/N has been missing for nearly 2 months now with no signs or traces to where she could've disappeared to. Family and friends have been searching high and low to find her, if you have any information on her disappearance we'd like you to call us; now here's a message from two of her family friends Christopher and Dominic Sanders."

The tv cut to a the twins and although I was too weak to look up I could tell they were at some conference type of thing, my heart flipped as I heard Dominic speaking.

"We the entire family would like to thank everyone who is helping in trying to find Y/N, I know some of you probably are on the verge of giving up but please don't, please don't. Think of Y/N as your own child and how much you'd want everyone to keep looking." He began choking up and my eyes began watering. "Just please.." With that it snapped back to the woman before letting people know to call if they have any information on me.

Suddenly the tv crashed against the concrete floor, the glass breaking and the other parts flying wherever.

"I don't know why the fuck you're smiling! I told you before they won't ever find you here. EVER! EVER!!" He screamed before disappearing up the stairs but not before telling the other guy to clean up the mess.

As he did I noticed he kept looking at me with pity and sympathy in his eyes only making me look at him in disgust but confused as to why he was looking at me in the way he was at the same time. When he finished he took one long glance at me the ascended the stairs, shutting the door behind him. I fell asleep out of being weak and tired not too long after.

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