Chapter 8

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"TURN THE FUCK UP!!" I screamed, giggling. "Cheers to another year, cheers to being alive, cheers to everything because we didn't have to make it here and most of all cheers to God for making us be here to see it. So now, I don't want no drama. It's my fucking birthday and it's the beginning of 2015. Now bring that music back and gimme my presents!" I laughed once more and handed the mic back to the DJ drinking from my glass and slow wining my hips to "Only" by Nicki Minaj ft. Drake and Lil Wayne.

My birthday is the beginning of every year which means I'm to begin trying and learning new things.

This year, unlike my past ones for several we'd actually had a party party. Goddess Themed because I mean, hello. 💁 Everybody who is/was anybody was at my party. Some performing some just there because they knew me, Chris or Dom but all in all everybody was there to have a good time and today I was going to provide it.

My gown was all white and slit down the sides so my thighs were exposed, it was so long that it nearly swept the floor as I danced around on the stage. As the song changed I walked to my throne and sat down on it immediately being assisted by the stripper known as Jhonni Blaze, I grinned at her as she placed both her hands on my shoulders and began slow dancing on me as I gripped her ass in both my hands, slow grinding along with her. Soon it was like we were having a slow fuck on stage, gripping ass and kissing the liquor and drugs had me fucked up honestly but I was enjoying it at the same time. Moments later I got up and started dancing around the pole that the twins made sure was there.

I wrapped my hands around the pole loosely walking around as the crowd cheered me on making me laugh, I squatted down and began twerking and wining my hips in sync to the song playing before twirling around pole from the small experiences I'd had. Enjoying my party as I wished. Carefree and happy.

[5:57 am]

"I'm good, I'm good. I'll see y'all later okay ? I have a heavyyy ass headache." I spoke into the phone. "Okaaaay bye baby, I love you too."

I stuffed my phone into my purse pocket and pulled my jeans up as they threatened to slip down off of my ass because I didn't have a belt on, the sky was still kind of dark but you could see. Pushing my hair behind my ears I reached into my purse searching for my keys in my purse. Out of the blue I was pushed up against my car and being that I thought it was one of the twins I giggled out and told him to stop because I needed to get my key. But he wouldn't stop, his hands on my body savagely, gripping and grabbing at my clothes, I yelled out "stop, and no" but it didn't work then it's when I realized it wasn't one of the twins, it wasn't anyone I knew. As I tried fighting back a hand cloth covered my mouth and nose then soon I began feeling dizzy and woozy, unable to see straight.. Then, all I saw was pitch black.

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