Chapter 6

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[Saturday Night]

As I walked through the crowd, a person stepped on my toes much to my dismay, I groan lowly and looked around for a familiar face in the crowd.. Or two. Not finding them I decided to walk to the bar, "maybe they'll find me here." I thought as I leaned over the counter slightly yelling out to the bartender that I wanted a Chocolate Martini, as I waited for my magic potion, my eyes scanned the people dancing on the floor to "Studio" by ScHoolboy Q, this was my song, I swayed my hips slightly humming the song when the bartender brought me my drink, a wide grin spread across my face as I felt a strong pair of hands around my waist. I knew immediately it was one of the twins because of the cologne. You're probably thinking anybody could wear that cologne but never in my years of club life have I ever smelt anyone wearing their favorite cologne.

Soon we were on the dance floor, my back still against his chest, grinding hard against his pelvis in sync with the song.

"Where's your brother ?" I question, still dancing against him audible enough for him to hear.

"You know Dom isn't a party person, he stayed back at the office doing God knows what." Chris replied.


Those were the last words said between us for awhile as we continued dancing, grinding, twerking which includes ass popping and things of the such. Once our legs got tired we made our way up to his VIP section and began drinking the night away, doing body shots off of each other and a few girls as well. By the time we left the club, the sky was already a mixture of blue and pink, I could barely stand straight or see straight, I was laughing at everything just as well as Chris was. As we made our way to the car we were swarmed by paparazzi causing me to cling tightly onto Chris as we tried to push our way through the crowd. Looking over at Chris I saw his facial expression had shifted and I listened to the papz as they shoved cameras and recorders in our faces asking a ton of questions.

"Are you guys dating ?!"

"We saw you with Dominic the other day Y/N, what's going on between the three of you ?"

"Have you guys slept together ?"

Questions upon questions, some of which I was compelled to answer just to clear up the rumors.. Guess I'll take to Twitter and say something about it if I'm questioned about it in my interviews tomorrow. Quickly sliding into the white Benz, I made sure all the tinted windows were rolled up completely, still seeing the flashes I pull Chris in as the cameras focused more into the car while I kept my head down. Chris shut the door quickly and say back sighing.

"That's exactly how I feel and I can't see shit straight. Blinding ass flashes." I growled.

"Jay, head on ova to my place not Y/N's cause these niggas gon follow us to her place and be there harrassin' 'er tomorrow and I ain't wit it." He spoke to the driver as we started driving towards his house.

As Chris rolled up the partition he stared me down. He had a look in his eyes that I couldn't put my finger on as of yet, the more he stared at me the more aroused I became. Then it hit me. When Chris drank enough he got hella horny.. That look, was a look of hunger, want.. Lust. He wanted me and knowing Chris, no would turn into yes because he'd continue til he got what he wanted. Something else him and Dom had in common.

Soon after, we arrived in the parking lot of Chris' big house. He slid out of his seat and got out, holding the door open for me then helped me out and walked me in.

As soon as he shut the door I was pinned against it roughly. Chris leaned forward and pulled my headful of hair backward, yanking it roughly as a squeal escaped my lips. His free hand found it's way between my thighs and under my dress. He bit down on my earlobe and growled lowly.

"You know what's about to happen right?"

Before I could speak, he zipped down the back of my dress and it dropped down to the floor since it was strapless. He snatched my lacy VS Secret bra and panty off flinging it onto the floor. Mind you we're still against the door and I have no idea what this boy has in his mind.


😏😏 Y'all another sex scene or naaaahhhh? -Taj

In Love With Twins (Starring You)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora