Chapter 18

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We kept walking and the feeling I had went away, but it was coming from my door so it was probably Akari waking up or I hope no one is trying to harm her while I follow strawberry here. I instantly stopped and summoned the door again, it immediately returned, "I'm going to check up on Akari." "Did you find the solution?" asked Ichigo. I looked at him, "That's why I said that I'm checking up on her, it's coming from my room!" "I'll follow behind if you don't mind," I heard him say. I opened the door while saying, "Just don't touch anything." My room changed back into where I had it, then we both see her, shaking, oh no, she's having a nightmare. I shook her awake, then she woke up seeing us, then immediately looked at Ichigo, oof, looks like she had a nightmare surrounding him, whatever it is I'm sure that they will find a way to prevent it from happening. I looked at Ichigo, "Looks like whatever nightmare she had, it had you in it, I'll give you 2 some privacy." Then I left them alone, hopefully this can workout between them, I never seen her so scared before, I stood by my door to hoping that they will come out with something planned to prevent the nightmare from coming true.

Akari's POV:

"What was the nightmare about?" Ichigo asked. I told him, "We were out of this place and you had turned into one of those mindless hollows, I woke when the hollow killed me." "That will never happen," he said, "Our bond is extremely strong to point where we can depend on each other. Akari, you know that this place messes with your mind, we need to get you and Orihime out of here as fast as possible." I nodded when he said that because it's true, this place has always been giving me some messed up dreams that I need to sleep with Esperanza or someone else, I looked around for Onyx, "Where is Onyx?" "Onyx, the Dark elemental? what about him?" asked Ichigo. I answered, "He turned into a tiny black cat before I drifted off into deep sleep." Then I felt immediately better because Onyx went into my mental state and defeated that nightmare then replaced it with something great at the end of the nightmare. I shook it off when he literally came out of my mind, "Never mind, I knew where he was." "Where were you, Onyx?" asked Ichigo. Onyx looked at him, "I was dealing with that nightmare she had, I have that ability to go into the darkest corner of your mind on where the nightmares are located and handled it from there, that's what I dealt with hers in her mind," sheathing his greatsword, "As far as I know, she can't continue forward without any fear coming across her mind, you guys need to find a way where whatever that nightmare may occur and try to prevent it from happening by strengthening your differences between you, Ichigo, and Esperanza."

"Why only me?" asked Ichigo. Onyx looked at him, "It all started when you were starting to be mean towards her only sister-like friend, Esperanza Zauberin, she cares about her and you to the point where she can move forward with her head held high because remember, she is extremely fragile when it comes between of her extremely close people conflicting with each other and it is literally hurting her." "Why didn't you say anything, Akari?" asked Ichigo. I tell him, "This was the first time of me witnessing it. I never felt anything like this before." "If this continues on, Ichigo, she will die," said Onyx. That broke him and Esperanza, she walked in just in time for Onyx to say that, the 2 made eye contact, Ichigo sighed, "It'll be tough for me but I'll give her some credit for trying to make you not see my hollow mask." "Yeah, that should've been obvious for you to know that I'm on your side," said Esperanza, "I want to help in any way I can in order to help you get to Orihime out of here, trust me I've been trying to do that and I always end up second guessing because she was determined that you will come and save not only her, but Akari." "Which I'm sure that Akari has gotten that part taken care of," said Ichigo, then looking at me who just broke that down. Yeah, I can defend myself and all, but that is thrown out the window because of that nightmare, Onyx gonks Ichigo on the back of his head, "You idiot, don't you get it, she had that confidence before you were trying to get Esperanza to say what you want her to say, now that confidence is completely gone, no thanks to you 2."

A few moments go by and I was confirming that I want to get this done and over with so I could refresh my psyche, but I knew that I have 2 elementals left and they are located in Hueco Mundo, I just need to keep going and try to push through any negative pressure that appears in my mind. Onyx offered to carry me on his back, which I gladly did because I was completely wiped out of any strength, power and confidence I had before this happened. Esperanza did offer to take his weapon so it doesn't scratch me, he let her do that, she strapped it to her back, Onyx complimented, "You look gorgeous in purple, Esperanza, the chrome color is no longer needed because you are not a part of this place anymore." "Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me, Onyx," she said, then her magical illusion wore off. She was stunningly beautiful with the colors she had, Ichigo was amazed, we could practically see the drool coming down from the corner of his mouth, Onyx asked him, "Why are you drooling, Ichigo?" "She's beautiful!" he said, trying to not to act like he is attracted to her. Well someone is attracted to her, and it is not Ichigo, I know who has Ichigo's heart, no it is not Rukia, but I think his inner hollow is attracted to her, it would make sense because I believe Ichigo, I asked his hollow, "Are you attracted to her?" "What gave you that conclusion?" he asked, in a panicked voice. Yeah, he is, I could tell by the way he talked back, I don't know what happened next but I was sure that I fell asleep again, then something soft went underneath me, I opened my eyes again and it was a gigantic jaguar.

I knew it was Jaguar because who else can turn into that cat other than Colossal Jaguar, I got into a comfortable spot and went back to dreamland.

Esperanza's POV:

At least she fell asleep, Jaguar came out at the most perfect time because Ichigo and myself met up with Ulquiorra, before we did, I asked Onyx, "Is it alright if I held this a little longer?" "Sure, I'll give you a fraction of my power so you can do some dark spells if needed because I'm gonna fight alongside you guys," said Onyx. I unsheathed his sword and got my magic at the ready, same with Onyx, I asked Ichigo, "May we?" "Do what you want," said Ichigo, "I can do it with or without back up." I like his attitude now, I casted Barrier surrounded us 3, then Power boost as well, I am basically the defense, Onyx could see this, "Looks like you don't need anymore power." "That's why I gave it back to you," I tell him. Then I casted Invisible Barrier around Jaguar and Akari, it will only wears off when I tell it to, I hope just in time that Ulquiorra did not see where Akari was because I know on what is going on between them. I swear that I would not tell Ichigo on what relationship that they have, it is up to her to say it, not mine.

I made sure Nel was somewhere safe, then something broke my heart when I could've sworn Ulquiorra heard Akari sighed from afar because his face softened a bit, I looked at Onyx, he noticed as well, he can only hear her, but he can not see on where she is. No hard feelings Ulquiorra Cifer, but this has to happen, I put my game face on again to hide away the sorrow I'm feeling which is strange because I am a hollow. I froze because I was trying to attack but I couldn't bring myself to do it, Onyx sees this and has enough strength to take my place by casting a shadow ball at Ulquiorra, blinding him in the process, he tells Ichigo, "You take it from here." "That quick?" he asked. I tell him, "We have to protect someone we hold dear." He looks at me because he just put on his mask, then nods, "Understood, go, I'll take care of him." We both nod then went a separate way so Ulquiorra doesn't figure out on where Akari is, I've been noticing the way he acts around her, I took down the barrier that was surrounding me and Onyx same with the Power boost. Ichigo still has his, as his fight with Ulquiorra happened, we had to escort Jaguar to my room because that's when Ichigo can focus same with Ulquiorra. Onyx was carrying Akari, thankfully I disabled the large barrier surrounding both Akari and Jaguar, I walked back out leaving her alone with her 2 elementals so I could keep helping Ichigo. Apparently when I left his boost and barrier wore off, shoot, so he's defenseless now, I was getting ready to cast it when he looks at me, "Don't cast them, I got this without any defenses." Which I understood because he has a freaking hollow mask, of course he's going to be super powerful.

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