Chapter 2

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Well, that was a lot more nice than I expected, I thought that he wanted to fight me because we ran into each other again, this time I got mother strapped to my back, I ain't wielding her yet, I haven't tested on how strong I am or how much power I have. She always watches on where I should go and when I should go, thankfully she tells me where to go in a direction to avoid Ichigo again because I was ordered to be at the grounds for Rukia's execution, hopefully this doesn't strike me as an enemy to anyone who came from the living world, I still want to go there nonetheless. So I finally made my way up there, I got the machete strapped to my right hip, hopefully no one sees this machete. So I got to the top, seeing the captains that were present though I'm not seeing Kenpachi or Ukitake, though I was hearing that Ukitake is sick so I understand on that part. I stood right next to Soi Fon on her right side, I hid away the hatchet knowing someone has noticed the hatchet, mother knows that I never really liked on how Soi Fon treats me for being on who I am and how I act outside of battle. I had to step away so many times to defuse her raging fire from becoming too much, I was given so many looks while I was doing this because of mother's rage being too much for me to focus on the situation. Soi Fon ordered, "Stop walking away and focus!" "I'll try," I said to her, "Tell that to my Zanpakuto spirit!" "Keep her under control," said Soi Fon, "Or else!" "Enough, Captain Soi Fon and my sweet Akari," said the Head Captain.

That soothed mother quite a bit, I sighed heavily in relief because her temper was too wild to control, I looked down to where the hatchet was, it was glowing faintly green, showing me that I have starting to wake up another elemental because of mother's raging temper. I mentally asked, "Are you alright, mother?" "Yes, I am," she said, "I could've sworn that the male voice was from the head captain but Akari, it was another voice but it's faint and I managed to calm down after I heard on whose voice that was." "Do you know on who it might be?" I asked mentally. She said, "I am not sure because it is so faint and not clear enough for me to know." "It's probably because the hatchet faintly glowed green," I said, "I think it's because everyone would see that I'm breaking the rule of being only a pyromancer even though I can be more than everyone thinks." "You might getting on to something, dear," she said.

A few moments go by, I was told to stay silent, but I kept the conversation going with mother because they don't know, minus Yamamoto, that Shadow Phoenix took me in as her child, and she told me that she was alive at one point. Then I had this instinct of looking up because everyone else seems to be looking up and shocked, so that's what I did and saw HIM again, freaking orange top, Ichigo, he was up there somehow and I'm hoping that he's saving Rukia from this horrible fate, I was pulled away when the hatchet glowed again, this time someone spotted the hatchet, I was pulled away by Kyoraku, he strapped a cloak over me to make sure that it stays hidden, I looked, he winked, "I know that you are more than a pyromancer, dear." I went back to where I was standing, told Soi Fon that Kyoraku pulled me away, she didn't accuse me for lying this time because she looked at him and he nodded confirming it. He tells her, "Let her go, Soi Fon." "Fine, she's just getting in the way as always," she hisses at me. That hurts me, you know, I thought. Then few minutes go by, the other lieuteants were running after Renji who was carrying Rukia to safety, Soi Fon looked at me, "Well, go after him!" I looked at Kyoraku, he whispers, "Go back to your office room." So, I took off running in hopes of not being seen running off in the same direction as them but I seem to be caught in his sight again. I just froze when he took down all of those 3, I just stood there, then we made eye contact, I was so scared that he might hurt me.

Mother shouts, "You heard Kyoraku, go to your office and don't come out until this whole madness is over!" "I can't move, though," I said. That's when he got closer, I instinctively flinched and ducked my head, I found myself leaning against a trunk of a tree, I looked to where Ichigo would be, he was looking at me from a distance, smiling at me, probably knows that I don't know on how to fight in real combat. I sighed knowing that I shamed everyone from how I am acting this way. I can't do anything battle related, mother made herself known to me and somehow Ichigo sees her, she kneels down and hugs me like the mother she is. I got out the hatchet, I asked it, "What element are you?" Then I heard a husky male voice ask, "What are you doing talking to a hatchet?" I looked, it was Captain Komamura, I told him, "I'm so sorry for how I am acting towards everything." "It's who you are, my dear," he said, "Just as long as you know on what you are doing then that's fine by us." "Though I found this hatchet with Renji and it wanted me to pull it out," I said, "I'm trying to show everyone that I am not just a fire wielder but something more and I want to go somewhere that is not here." "Are you saying that you want to go to the Living World?" he asked. I nodded, "More than anything, I want to explore the realm, it's different from here." "Wanting a taste of freedom don't you?" he asked again. I nodded, "I'm tired of this place already, I'm already to spread my wings into the Living World in order to find out on who I really am and who are my real parents."

When I went back to my office room, I sat on my bed that was in the room, laid down, looked at the hatchet again, "I hope you are something that I can learn other than fire." Then I went to sleep after I hid the hatchet underneath my desk, knowing mother is wanting me to rest for now, mother always watches over for me in a protective manner because she never wants anything or anyone to harm me. When I was keeping my distance from the Senkaimon gate, Ukitake asked, "Is there anything else you want to say before you and your friends go back?" "Yeah, one last thing," said a voice, "I want a special someone to come into the world of the living." "Really, who?" asked Ukitake. I heard that voice shout, "I know you are there, come on out!" I walked out, Ukitake asked Ichigo, "Are you sure that you want her to go with you guys?" "I mean, she seems to be ready to leave this place," he said, "It's her choice whether she wants to or not, it's up to her." "This is your chance," said mother. I can't help but smile, "Of course I'll go, this is going to be my first time seeing the world for the very first time!" I followed behind them, mother made herself known again, she had her wings out, lifted me up and took off flying with me.

Morning rises, I can't believe I am actually here, mother led me to where Ichigo is located, I knocked on the door, a young girl answered, "Can I help you?" "Is Ichigo here?" I asked, "I'm a friend of his." "Oh, come in," she said, "He'll be down in a moment, I'm Yuzu." "I'm Akari," I said, walking inside. A black haired girl said, "I put that hatchet away safely if I were you." I looked, the hatchet was there strapped to my right hip, I said to her, "I have no where else to be, basically I don't have a place to stay currently." I do not want to go back into that old house, mother agrees with me on this one, I was just standing there, not knowing on what to do. Then I heard a voice saying, "Have a seat, don't stay there standing." I looked, I nodded, listened and sat in a chair, I heard Ichigo sigh, "Seriously, did you not learn anything from growing up?" "No, all I had was my mother," I said, "We managed to get through it all, it was rough." "I see," he said, "Well if you want, you can stay here for now until you find a place of your own." "I think here is fine, I'm not ready to be on my own just yet," I said, "I just want to know on what it's like to be a part of an actual family, my mother was all I have so I don't know anything at all." "Well starting today, you will be temporarily," said Ichigo, "Because there is not enough room for much people." "I'll manage," I said, "just don't expect anything less out of me, I'll try my best to behave well." "Don't talk like that, please," said Ichigo, "Just know that you are finally out here."

I was shocked on how he knew that I wanted to be here for so long, so I asked, "How did you know that I wanted to be out here?" "A little bird told me," he said, "It was both Rukia and Renji, they told me to not be so hateful towards you, I wondered why did they say that, I'll know in time because I want to know more about you before I make my judgement." "Thank you so much, Ichigo," I said to him, "You have no idea how much this means to me." "I hope that I don't regret on you being out here," said Ichigo, "So tomorrow be ready because I'm still a high school student here so are you." "Alright," I said, "I'll follow your lead then. Just let me go to Urahara to pick my usual items." "You know Urahara?" he asked. I asked him back, "Doesn't everyone know him?" "Good point," he said, "He also was picking up a book about big cats." "Oh, that was when I asked if he could find any books about the wild life," I said, "I always surround myself anything with nature." "I see, well, keep on reading," he said, "I'm not stopping you from being you."

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