Chapter 3

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As the day went by, I was visiting Urahara to pick my regular teas, he gave them to me, asked, "How are you liking this realm so far?" "I haven't got the chance to explore," I said, "I'll do that in my own time when I'm not always busy with Soul Reaper stuff." He understands on where I am coming from, Ururu noticed the hatchet, she asked, "Have you found out what that is?" I looked at her, then the hatchet, "No I haven't gotten a clue as to what it could be, I know it's a hatchet, same with you, but I don't know what element it could be." "Well, since I love to keep secrets, this one, for sake of you and your mother, I'll keep this a secret until further notice," he said. I nodded, "Thanks. Though I was hoping for you to analyze it." "You would have to go to Mayuri for that," he said. I hissed at the name, "I prefer you over him." "Never mind then," he said, not knowing that I never stepped over to Mayuri for help or will I ever. I gave him the hatchet, he was looking at it closely, with the blade facing away from his face, he gave it back to me, "I'm sorry but I would say that I believe about it glowing green but I was waiting for it to glow green, it wasn't glowing green." "It was glowing green when mother's temper was too much to handle," I said. He sighed, "This is nessecary for this green glow to happen. So, how is Ghost Fire?" With that, her temper rised up to the point where it was too much to handle, I handed the hatchet back to him.

Few minutes go by, nothing until it glowed green when she was growling, I mentally heard some male voice say, "Calm down, Shadow Phoenix." "There it goes," said Ururu. Urahara said, "Looks like the green means its Earth, you have a grass elemental with you." "A grass elemental?" I asked, "Like, trees, plants, that grass element?" "Yeah, there are 3 types of earth," said Urahara, "Grass is one of them, then there is ground and stone, or rock if you want it to be specific." "I like stone," I said, "So, I might have an elemental that is all 3 of those things." "And hey, fire and earth goes really well with each other if you think about it," he said. I said out loud, "So far I only have 2 the main elements, which means that there's more elementals out there for me to find." "Just know that if you do this, you get these removed or no longer be apart of Squad 10," said Urahara. I hissed, "So what, I'm doing it anyways, no one is getting in my way of finding out on who I am and finding on who my parents are." "You'll find them in time," said Tessai. I walked out, knowing my true goal for now, and I have my usual items in hand, I went back to Ichigo's home, he asked, "Did you find everything alright?" "Yes I did, actually," I said, "I only went to Urahara because he only has the stuff I'm familiar with." "I see, anything on that hatchet of yours?" he asked again. I told him, "It's another element." "Really, which one?" he asked again.

"This element I'm going to find the other 2, this elemental is all earth, I only have the nature elemental," I said, "Basically all grassy things." "Which makes perfect sense on why you love nature so much," he said. I told him, "I've always love nature before I got this one." "Oh, then never mind," he said, "Anyways, I've been told by you that you never were apart any family." "That's true," I said, a bit timid right now. Then this question of a life time from Ichigo, he asked, "How do you feel about be apart of this family?" "Huh? Are you sure?" I asked, surprised at the question. Ichigo says, "I'm sure because you were protected by someone who is scared of losing you. I can guarantee that I'll make sure nothing happens to you." Before mother tells me to tell him no, I said before her, "Of course, Ichigo, this means so much." "Then welcome home, Akari Itsuki Kurosaki," said Ichigo, "I'll take care of you for the time being that you are here before going back." "Well, if I want to go back," I said, "Thank you so much, Ichigo." "You're welcome," he said, "Now let's get you settled in here." He led me upstairs, "You can bunk with me, don't worry I made sure that you sleep comfortably." I walked in, seeing a futon on the floor, "Am I sleeping there?" "If that's a problem, if it is I'll find something else for you," he said. I looked at him, "This will do for now, thank you, Ichigo." "Anything for you, little sis," he said.

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