Chapter 8

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It was lunch time, Ichigo walked up to me, "What was that all about?" "Look, I'm sorry, it slipped," I said, couldn't hide the guilt I was feeling. Ichigo just shook his head, "I was even going to let up to you, guess I was wrong." "It's been on hard me," I said, softly. I have yet gotten the chance to open up because he wouldn't let me, he never asked if he wanted to know more about me, so I just kept looking at the clouds. Then something struck between me and Ichigo, we both are misunderstanding each other, I looked at him, he was still faced away from me, "Maybe I misunderstood you, and you misunderstood me." That immediately got his attention, "I misunderstood you? You must be insane for thinking that." "That's when you are wrong," I said, "But it's alright, if you want me to open up to you then all you have to do is just listen and don't interrupt on what I will say to you. Remember, I'm all alone here, I have legit no where else to go if I want have a break from the house you live in." "I get it, you want to have some privacy and want to be accepted," said Ichigo, "But, listen, even if that's true, why did you stick with me?" "You were the one who allowed me to finally come to the Living World, Ichigo," I said, "Most of my life was living to higher expectations within the Soul Society, everyone always make fun of the way I show emotion outside of the battlefield." "Wait, you were picked on? How did Rukia or Renji not say anything to me?" asked Ichigo. I looked at him, "They did it for my well being, plus they were the only 2 I trusted when I joined the Gotei 13 at the time." "I see, which squad are you currently in?" he asked. I answered, "As of right now, Squad 10. I'm planning on removing from the squads entirely."

Ichigo was surprised on how I was venting without trying to sound like I was getting emotional but I wasn't, I am one step closer to moving to Kyoraku's squad, he will never tell me to drop the elements I have currently because I am already heading to more elements coming my way. Then I see the look of warmth on his face, Ichigo walked to me and we hugged, I exhaled sharply because I was fighting the anxiety I had over the past years of my life. Now, I have someone to turn to when things get rough for me, I softly thanked Ichigo for listening when I had no one to turn to, then he said, "Just remember that I'm going to be here when you need help with something." "Yeah, just as long as I can keep being myself," I said, "I hate when someone tells me to acting like myself." "I'm not going to allow that," said Ichigo, "Whoever says that will meet me and end up dead for being mean like that to you." "Like Zaraki Kenpachi?" I asked. I could've sworn I heard a record scratch, Ichigo instantly said, "No, anyone but him." "Alright then, I just want to clarify," I said to him. Then a guy with what looks like a very dark blue hair, he walks up to us, "Ichigo, are you coming with us?" "Oh, right, sorry, Akari," said Ichigo, walking away, "Feel free to join us." Out of earshot, I softly responded, "Like I would fit in at all." Then went outside of the building, decided to climb a tree, I maybe small but I am excellent at climbing, stayed in the tree. Until I heard a familiar voice, "What are you doing up here?" "Renji, what are YOU doing here?" I asked him, feeling slightly better.

Renji sat right next to me, "Well, I was stationed here until further notice, besides, I was sensing someone else other than Ichigo." "You sensed me, wonderful," I said, bluntly. Renji took a close look on what is going on, "Having trouble fitting in are we?" "What does it look like to you, Abarai?" I asked him, snapping tone. Renji instantly noticed the tension I'm feeling, "He'll let up to you, just give him time, its very sudden for the both of you." "Yeah, from what Hurricane said, I need to understand Ichigo's point of view," I said, "Not fair if I have to expect things from him, it all takes time." "Yeah, wait, who is Hurricane?" asked Renji. I looked at him, "I have more elements than anyone were expecting." "Wow, this is not going to be easy reporting this back at headquarters," said Renji. Hurricane gonked Renji on the head, "Her power level is reaching towards other elements, you dolt!" "Ouch! Easy on the hair," said Renji. Hurricane sassed, "Oh shut up, red pineapple head." I chuckled a little, Talon laughed a bit, basically the others chuckled and giggle a little bit at Hurricane's nickname for Renji. Levy noticed, "Wait, oh, shoot, best nickname for Ichigo that I know he would not like." "What's that?" Talon asked. Jaguar beat her to it, "His entire name is Strawberry in English!"

"I wasn't thinking that but I love that better!" Levy agreed. As soon as I walked back to the classroom, Ichigo greeted me, "Hey, Akari." "Hello, Orange Strawberry," I said, instantly covering my mouth. Ichigo had the most funniest face ever, he had the look of betrayal, "Why did you call me that?" "Your entire name is Strawberry in English," I said, "Better get use to it because I'm going to be calling you that if you do something stupid or idiotic." "Please, don't call me that!" he freaked, "You will start something that I don't think it will be great for you." "Shut up, strawberry princess," I sassed. It was getting worse on his part, but it was so funny on how he reacts to the strawberry name, I begin to giggle, then it clicked for him, I always looking for a laugh, "Hey, it just come to my attention that you are looking for something to laugh at." "Well, yeah, I hate serious situations," I said to him, "Renji would always purposely trip or something in order for getting a laugh out of me." "I see why, you are glowing in colors," said Ichigo. I just at him in surprise, I'm glowing in colors? How is that even possible? Then the biggest saying that I heard from him was this, "Maybe this can work out. Just as long as I can see that smile of yours every day." "That's not creepy at all," I said. He just looked at me, "I didn't mean it like that! Oh my gosh, Akari, get your mind out of the gutter." "My mind was never in the gutter," I said, "I was only saying on what you just said was creepy." "My goodness," said Ichigo, in a low tone.

After school was over, I was walking behind Ichigo while he was walking with his buddies, I was minding my own business not wanting to intrude his conversation with his friends, then I saw him looking behind to see me just minding my own business. I stopped when he stopped, one of his dumb friends decided to tease me, when I threatened him, "Don't you even dare try, Keigo!" "Or what are you going to do, you can't do anything because you appear to be weak," Keigo said, without thinking. I instantly snatched my steel dagger, pointed at his throat, he could see that provoking me with the word weak would set me off in a very dangerous way, not only can he feel the sharp end but he was also feeling a burning sensation and it's not the good kind of burning sensation. He laughed nervously at my attempt to be threatening, "Easy there, I didn't mean that, I swear!" "Then back away from me or you will meet your doom," I threatened. He did exactly that, I just wanted to take my time because as far as I know, life is short, I need to take the time to enjoy great things along the way that this new life of mine would give me.

When Ichigo was waiting for me to catch up to him when his friends part ways, I noticed that he dropped the tough guy act when I met up with him, "Thanks for waiting for me." "It's the least I could have done for you," said Ichigo, "C'mon, Yuzu is probably waiting for us." "Yeah," I said, softly. I can actually feel secure around him now, I finally felt it, "Thank you, big brother." He just stopped in his tracks and looked at me, I may be the oldest in the Soul Society but here I'm mentally 8 years old, then I saw that big smile that I was waiting to see, then I heard Hurricane suddenly say, "You may want to check on your progress of getting Jaguar's weapon because your relationship with Ichigo was what he was waitng on for you to say only that." "So, wait, Jaguar was waiting for me to say that?" I asked him, "Ichigo would think of me as selfish if I told him on what Jagaur's intention was." "Don't worry," said Jaguar, "I mean, I don't mean it in that way whatsoever!" "It won't matter because even though it pains me to no end I will never tell him," I said, "I want him to trust me as well as I trust him." "Then that's all that matters," said Jaguar, "Ask him if he trusts you enough so you can say whatever to work your way through what my intentions were."

Then out of the blue, Ichigo took a closer look at me, "Hey, looks like you received the Balance idiot's weapon." "Yeah, I mean, Jaguar did said to me that his weapon would only appear is how strong our bond is," I said, hoping he does not think what I thought he was going to say. I got the total opposite, "Well if that's the case, I hope we will become the best siblings even though we are not related by blood." "But we can be related by how strong our bond with each other is," I said, smiling. Ichigo nods, "Exactly, that is my only goal with the two of us, making sure you are not alone in this world of ours." "Thank you so much, Ichigo," I said, with such excitement. As we returned home, Ichigo tells me, "I might be for a few days but I'll be back, I need to take care of something that I need to deal with." "Go for it, I'm not stopping you," I said to him, "Besides, I need to know on what I am getting myself into in this world before setting my plans for the future ahead of me." "Great idea you have," said Ichigo, "Just don't go too overboard." "I'm not like Rukia," I said, "At least you don't have to see my drawings to end up like hers." "Okay good," said Ichigo, "Wait you draw?" "Of course I do," I said, "It eases my concerns of certain situations and calms me down a great deal when my anxiety worsens."

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