Chapter 10

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Okay recap on what is about to happen, well, there is not much TO say on the matter, let's just say that I'm going to learn on how to fly in short amount of time, which I can't rush things like this, I don't even know if I have wings. Hurricane physically manifested out of my mind, so he could teach me on how to fly, he had his beautiful dragon wings out, "Alright first off you need to find what your wings are going to be." I nodded knowing it would be the case, "Can I just choose on what they would look like?" "Unforunately no," said Hurricane, "My wings, as you can see, are dragon wings because of the form I took." "What can my wings be?" I asked. He shrugs, "One way to find out, first things first is thinking of your wings coming out of your back because that is where they are originally located." "Alright," I said, going into deep thought. Within a minute, I felt lighter, I looked behind me, I had wings of a phoenix, but these wings look like from a pegasus, which I'm great with, I told Hurricane, "They came out already!" "Well, that was quick," said Hurricane, "Beautiful wings." "Now, what's next?" I asked. Hurricane tells me, "Without lifting yourself off the ground, they need to get use to you because you are new to them and they are new to you so you need to work together with your wings otherwise you will not be able to use them at all."

I been flapping the wings and they seem to be happy with me, without telling Hurricane that I was going to attempt to fly, mother butted in, "What do you think you are doing?" "I was going to attempt to fly without Hurricane's help," I said, "Then I realize how stupid it was." "Actually that was the next step," said Hurricane, "Try to fly without my help." "Oh, well then," I said, "Let's get this over with." I cleared my mind and focused on my flying, I was getting off the ground without any issue, I flew to the left, the right, up, and down, I got the best of flying, my wings were really amazing with what I'm trying to do. I muttered, "Alright let's try fighting while flying." I got out my Fire Scythe, my wings are cooperating with me all the way through until I was going to do an elemental attack then I noticed that I was going too fast on my wings. This sucks, how am I suppose to fight in this condition, I flew back down, I tell him, "It was going great until I wanted to throw a fire ball somewhere." "You need to practice flying first before that," said Hurricane, "Take it from someone who has to learn it on their own." "You're right, I'm sorry," I said to him, "I just wanted to get it over with because I want to help Ichigo in future battles in anyway I can." "You will," said Hurricane, "He's not going anywhere and neither are you."

Well this is truly bothersome because all I ever wanted to do is making sure I'm doing everything right on my part, my flying was always doing great until I wanted to use an element it even confused Hurricane! Something is not right here, I'm always using a calm state of mind but it always fires back at me, ugh, I just wish someone would take my life away somewhere else. Oh boy, do I need to stop predicting on what would happen to me? Because I was stopped by a guy with light blue hair, he was staring at me, "Hey you, I need you to come with me or you will no longer come back here, do I make myself clear?" "Yeah, sure whatever," I said, upset at myself. So I went with him somewhere that a place I never seen or encounter before, I asked, "What is this place?" "This is Hueco Mundo, the Home of the Hollows," he said, "Now c'mon, I got no time for this." Well, he's a big meanie, well, all I can say is that I lost contact with Layla somehow, I groaned, "Great, now I don't have a guiding light." "Oh, pish posh, you'll live," he said, "I got her for you, Gin." "Good," said Fox face. I felt angry seeing him, Gin said, "You are responsible for her, Grimmjow, make sure she doesn't do anything questionable." "Yeah, yeah, I got it," said Grimmjow.

I was sitting in a very dark room with no light whatsoever, I miss being able to here nature, I can't hear anything but Hollows roaring in the distance, I feel all alone here, that was when I met this wonderful lady, she appears and asks, "Are you new here?" "I was brought here by Grimmjow," I said to her, "Thanks to Fox face, Gin Ichimaru." "Never liked him or the other he came with," said the woman, "By the way, I'm Esperanza Zauberin, I'm making sure you are taking care of properly." "Thanks," I said, "I doubt that I'm going to be here long." "I'm sure, you'll be let go if you keep showing that you have no power," said Esperanza, "I am very certain that you do not want your elementals taken away from you so I suggest you hide them before someone takes them away." "How did you know that I have elementals?" I asked. Esperanza said, "You lost the element of Light, did you not?" "Yeah, I lost contact of her, I'm worried if I can't get her back," I said to her. Then I heard this familiar deep, husky voice saying, "She's safe don't worry about her for right now." I then heard Talon say, "Oh great, the dark gloomy guy is here." "Talon!" Levy snapped, "Be nice!" "Not my fault he keeps everything to himself," said Talon.

Throughout my entire stay, my Dark elemental was not once letting up, I groaned, "That is it! Onyx Grimpanther, you are going to stay out until I say you can go back inside the hairclip!" "Fine, whatever," scoffed Onyx. I can't help but think that this place is keeping him from opening up to me, I managed become great friends with Esperanza, not only her, but with Halibel, Coyote Starrk, Ulquiorra, and Grimmjow, everyone else I did not like. Mister Aizen is the one when got me to be great friends with Esperanza because we both hate him to the bone, out of curiosity, I asked Onyx, "When do I get Layla back?" "When you get out of here," said Onyx. I scoffed, "Like that would ever happen, Aizen is never letting me go unless he has a reason of having me here so far as I'm concerned not once have I heard a word from him." "Maybe someone is trying to get to someone's attention in order to come and save you," said Onyx, "How should I know? I don't even care at all."

I snapped at him, "You know what I have had it with you, Onyx! Why don't you open up to me like everyone else?! It's not like I'm going to use you to my advantage! I have been trying to get to know you but all you is ignore everything I try to do or say anything to you! Do you not trust me at all? Or are you stubborn to figure out if I'm worthy of your power?" "It's not about you being worthy of my power or anything like that," said Onyx, "I'm trying to hold back on the power I'm hiding away from you because I do not want to harm you at all! Of course I trust you, just let me go with you when you leave this place, once you realize on what you just said to me, you will feel nothing but regret and guilt on what you just said to me because odds are, I'm willing to open up to just as long as you have full control over my actions." "I do feel guilty on what I said because I am fed up with what ever you are trying to hide from me, Onyx," I said, "I don't want you to feel all alone anymore, you need someone who you can depend on, can trust, and get so close to that one person that you know that it was the right choice for me to do for you." "Is it that obvious that I'm frightened of being alone forever? If so, that's right, I need that right now, but we bond when we get out of here," said Onyx, "This place takes me back when I did some bad things that I do not want to bring up ever." "I get it, if you don't want to share, hide it away until you know it is safe to tell me," I said to him. 

Elemental WielderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora