Not the same... - Origin Z

Start from the beginning

Mario: I don't think so... Do you still want to not tell me?

Bryan: Sorry... I really can't...

At this point, they had already stopped in front of the farm's gate and it was night time. Bryan mumbled something, but Mario couldn't hear it. 

Mario: Please say that louder...

Bryan: Can you come here, beside me?

Mario: You don't wanna get out? I thought you didn't like my truck?

Bryan: I couldn't care less right now... Please- Please just be close or something...

Mario did as he asked and went to the back and sat close beside him. Bryan out of nowhere hugged him. Mario was shocked but allowed it, if anything, he kind of missed it. He remembered when Bryan would hug him almost every time he entered the same room as him, when he felt sad or worried or even happy, and basically at any random time. He hugged back which made Bryan twitch a bit. 

After a while, Mario started to hear Bryan snore softly. He positioned both of them in a more comfortable position and almost dozed off. But then, Mario heard someone approaching the truck and he pulled out a gun from his inventory. The person then called out to Bryan in front of the entrance and Mario became stiff. Hesitantly, Mario responded.

Mario: Come up.

Someone that looked familiar, yet unrecognizable, came in.

???: Oh, Mario.

Mario remembered that voice, it was the doctor, Mitch, the one at the fall of safehaven (I'm sorry if Mitch had a different name in the series, although I don't remember him having one)

Mario: What are you doing here?

Mitch: Oh well, I've kinda been helping or well, working here since... you know.

Mario: Oh... Well, did you need something?

Mitch: Oh, I have amazing news for him, or well, for everyone, I guess.

Mario: What is it?

Mitch: About 1/2 days ago, I figured out that the cure I had made did not get destroyed from the explosion. Someone had taken it, I thoroughly checked Bryan for if he had it, but it seemed as he didn't know anything about it. So I told him to be careful. To not trust anyone, that if they stole the medicine, they might be dangerous, sorry but, I also told him to be wary of you too. That just because you were his brother, the fact still stands that you might've stolen it.

Although, not too long ago, I found out that it was Xylo and that he had pure intentions with it. So I was going to tell him that everything was fine now. As you can guess, I can try to figure out how to make copies or figure out what I made using the original thing.

Mario was having a hard time processing all that the doc had just said. What he did understand was, one, why Bryan was avoiding being social with just about everyone. Mario was relieved that it wasn't anything serious and was extremely happy at the fact that they were one step closer to ending the apocalypse.

Mario: Thanks for telling me. I'll inform him when he wakes up.

Mitch: Alright, thanks.

Once Mitch left, Mario sighed of relief and looked at Bryan.

Mario: Oh, my dear little Bry, rest easy now. Everything's going to be fine. I wouldn't let anything happen to you. You are the only person I truly care about anymore... Right... The only one.

Mario thought of what he just said and chuckled.

Mario: I feel like that sounded more intimidating than it was... probably. But it's true. I won't let anything happen to you. I don't know what I'd be here for anymore if you were... gone.

Mario looked at Bryan, who was still sound asleep. If only he had the guts to be by his side, to hold him when he needed him to... but he couldn't. He was worried what had happened before might happen again (same reason as Missing). He kissed Bryan's forehead with a smile and laid down with him. Bryan snuggled into him and Mario just stared at him with a smile until he too, fell asleep.


I am currently not taking any requests. Also, I am sorry that I haven't been posting fanfics, I've been working on a video that I'm pretty sure you guys will like. It's almost done and will possibly come out very soon. Thank you for reading! Goodbye~! <3 

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