c h a p t e r | e i g h t

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In everyone's life there comes at least one time when we feel completely hopeless, good-for-nothing, and question if we are slowly losing our mental bearings to the hustle of existing every day. These are the times when we are forced to question ourselves whether or not we are becoming a lunatic, and if we are, should we ask for help.

This is one of those times for me.

The words which made absolutely no sense to me two days back, are being registered perfectly by my slow working brain as Foster explains them to me.

We are currently sitting in the library, on the table beside a huge glass window. Foster is sitting across me wearing a black t-shirt and currently has a small frown settled on his face as he is thinking about how to explain a particularly nasty topic to me because I am not able to get a hang of it at all.

"Okay, think of it like this. You prefer to hang out in your dorm most of the time because you like it," he looks at me with a hopeful expression, his desperation to make me get the gist of it clearly visible from his tired eyes.

"Now let's say a friend of yours forces you to go out with her, okay?"I nod my head at his question but I still cannot figure out how does any of this is related to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy, but still, decide to go with it because he has managed to make every other topic pretty much legible to me.

"Now when your friend forces you to go out with her, you will have to, because you simply have no choice, but you will expend your energy in throwing a tantrum and sulk the entire time out. You Rachel, are the electron here, who needs external energy to come out of your shell, but in doing so you let out a lot of energy, in the form of radiation,"

I nod at him, my mouth half-open, and then look back at the book in my hands reading through once again to verify that it all makes sense now.

"I kind of get it now," I say, bobbing my head up and down and then look up and point my pencil at him.

"Nevertheless, staying in dorm and not going out is always the best idea,"

"No need to go all defensive sweetheart, I myself prefer not going out that much," he replies with a satisfied smile, his head resting in the cup of his palm.

It was just a week back when I had decided to ignore the person sitting in front of me. But I guess the gods were not siding with me on that one. And neither my newly found friends were.

After going to my dorm on Wednesday, I was exhausted from the excessively hectic day. And the guilt of me being rude to Foster and Sara's words were weighing down on my chest.

Liv, as always, had not wasted a second in realizing that I needed someone to talk to, the moment I entered my room. She had pushed me inside the bathroom and had told me to have a long hot shower.

After getting out of the shower I was greeted with the sight of pizza, with corn and olive toppings waiting for me on the bed and Liv sitting beside it with a very proud expression on her face.

You know what they say about blessing in disguise, at that instant I really felt that Liv was one for me, and if she did notice the tears stinging my eyes, she did not say anything about them.

After that, I had proceeded to tell her about my entire day, starting from my day at the diner, to the bitch Organic Chemistry was proving to be for me, and also the little scene in the library with Foster.

"I really don't see the problem here Rach," she had shrugged her shoulders as if it was nothing.

"But I practically shouted at him, for which I am a little guilty, and then Sara went on and texted him, he must think that I am a lunatic,"

Pink VeilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora