c h a p t e r | s i x

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I entered the car and let out an exaggerated groan after plopping myself on the passenger seat.

"Rough day I assume?" Foster chuckled, forcing me to look towards him in my still tired state.

After talking to Evie about the job, I planned on going to campus by bus since that was going to be my route on workdays. But just within ten minutes of me exiting the diner, i.e., the time I spent trying to navigate the streets, Foster had called me up to ask if I was done, and I had willingly agreed (only because I was exhausted).

Another ten minutes were spent giving him directions to my whereabouts so now I was even more tired than I was before. At that very instant my stomach rumbled like that of a dinosaur, and I felt like crawling into a hole and hiding there forever because now, Foster was looking at me.

"I think we should have lunch," his words sounded more like a question than a statement and he pulled the car onto some unknown road.

"I know a place nearby and it has amazing tacos, you okay with tacos?" He asked and I nodded wordlessly, my mouth already salivating at the mention of tacos.

"How do you know places around here, have you lived here?" I asked him.

"Oh, no no, I lived with my parents in Maine, but dad travels here a lot because of his business and I used to come with him sometimes," he explained with his eyes still trained on the road.

I don't remember a lot of details from school, but I do remember that his dad was a huge business tycoon and traveled a lot.

"Hmmm, I should have guessed," I mumbled nonchalantly while looking out of the window.


"What?" I asked tilting my head towards him.

"How could you have guessed that I have been here before?" he chuckled.


Had I actually said that aloud?

"Uh, umm, you just, I don't know, seem like one of those hot-shot boys with rich parents who travel a lot, you know what I mean?" I tried to cover up my slip-up as calmly as possible and my nerves calmed a little when Foster laughed.

"What's there to laugh about?" I asked with a small smile when I was sure that Foster did not suspect anything.

"You just called me a, and I quote 'A hot-shot boy', Rachel," he said still laughing and I did a mental facepalm at my words.

Out of all the things he could have caught on to, he chose that.

"That was not what I meant!" I said trying to change the subject.

"Keep telling that to yourself, sweetheart,"

"What do you even - "

"Oh, look we are here!" my question was cut off by Foster as he pulled into the driveway of a Mexican diner, but I guess the strange tug caused at the pit of my stomach when he called me sweetheart will take a little more time to go away.

"When you said taco, I did not really expect it to be Mexican Restaurant," I said as I came out of the car and we began walking towards the diner.

"Not a fan of Mexican?" he asked anxiously.

"Are you kidding me? I love Mexican, like love with a double 'l', forget it, I don't really make sense right now," I chuckled.

He laughed along before saying, "Then I am in luck I guess,"

We walked in and Foster went straight to the counter to order while I sat down in one of the booths in the corner and waited for him while scrolling through my Instagram feed.

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