Author's Note

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How do you like our four Time Keepers?

As always, I want to begin this author's note by extending thanks to you, the readers. The amount of interactions and commentary I received on each chapter only encouraged me to keep planning and writing captivating chapters for you to enjoy. It felt like the words on the page resonated with your hearts and that's my entire purpose behind writing. Thank you!

The origins of this book reside in a library. That may sound cliche, but I assure you that it's the truth. Last summer (2019), I was simultaneously conducting research for my Master's Thesis and devising a new book to add alongside "Walking Dollar Bills." Unlike WDB, which was largely composed on the fly, I wanted this new book to have a fully thought-out structure before I even began writing. Thus, between reading pages on Semiotics, Thing Theory, and 1980s American Politics, I perused Youtube and watched numerous videos on the physics of time.

The intersection of Physics and Mythology was the site of conception for this idea. On one hand, I wanted scientific reality to serve as the springboard for the fantastical elements of the story, and on the other hand, I wanted to highlight myths that weren't as popularized. This explains the concept of "entropy" serving as a signature explosive attack in the story, and also the inclusion of Ikenga that introduced an Igbo mythology of time. After laying down the roots of this story, I needed to create compelling characters that spoke to our lived realities.

I loved the idea of playing on the "average Joe" trope. Taking this figure that was by definition insignificant, and making it the focal point of the novel was too palatable to ignore. Pixie helped illustrate the issues that children have with their parental guardians, and how these issues (when unresolved) stunt children's development as they become young adults. Inertia presented the issues that come from exceptionalism and the crushing weight of expectations that load your shoulders when you're seen as the "chosen one." She also brought an important immigrant perspective to the text. Lastly, BlackHole revealed the importance of a society that leaves room for redemption and growth. Allowing people to evolve and transcend beyond their past ways.

My primary objective with the first book was to introduce the four protagonists to the audience. Fleshing out four different characters all at once is a nearly impossible task, which explains why I decided to split the spotlight between two different conflicts. The first twenty four chapters explored the backgrounds of Pixie and Joe, while the last twenty four chapters pivoted to the backgrounds of Inertia and BlackHole. Hopefully, the divide allowed you to understand each of these characters without feeling overwhelmed by miscellaneous details.

Structurally, I was proud of a lot of my writing. Whether action scenes or dialogue heavy moments, I finally started to hone in on my skills as a writer. I blended action with dialogue, improved descriptions of characters and settings, and added moments of prose for emphasis. The feedback I received from WDB and earlier chapters of DFTD were conducive to my development and led to the creation of consistently solid chapters at the backend of the novel. Thank you to everyone, who offered me advice, praise, and/or critique!

Some of my favorite chapters were chapter twenty four where Joe and Destiny faced-off. The meaningfulness of their dialogue and the unexpected move that got Joe the victory were so much fun to write. I loved chapter 41 because of the pathos leaking off of the page due to Inertia and BlackHole's strenuous relationship. It was also adventurous writing a chapter so focused on a romantic love between two characters. Lastly, chapter 19 was great because it marked the full transition of Joe into his role as a Time Keeper. These were just some of my personal favorite chapters/moments.

Moving forward, there will be a book 2. I'm in the process of outlining and planning right now. Expect the first chapter to be published this December. Book 2 will include more background about Time Keepers, the Egyptian pantheon, and themes like family secrets, handicaps/disabilities, and the importance of unity. I sincerely hope that you will continue this journey with our four Time Keepers! Thanks for reading.


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