Chapter 21: Debating Destiny and Finding Free Will

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Pixie's eyes were expressionless. This was the end, and she had a front row seat. She knew it was only a matter of time before Spring and Autumn would return; and their return marked the death of Joe.

Dexter sat comfortably in Father Time's highly decorated throne. His eyes studied Pixie's face. He scanned her for some sign of resilience, but detected none. This pleased him. He had broken the faith of both Father Time and his daughter.

"I suppose now is a good time to collect you and your father's mental keys. That will give me a total of three and an unrivaled power over Time" said Dexter.

Dexter extended his arm and opened his hand. His palm was black because of the dark colored gauntlets he wore. Pixie lifted her head and stared into the dark void.

"Don't resist. I know I can't force you two to give me the keys, but I can always resort to torture" said Dexter.

Summer and Winter carefully studied Pixie. They themselves were unsure of what her response may be. She had already given in to them once; would she do it a second time?

"You'll torture me just like my father, right?" asked Pixie, her head hung low.

"Of course, however, your suffering will be much worse. I have a good feeling that torturing you will get your father to give his key up too. Consider this a two-for-one deal" said Dexter.

Pixie chuckled on the inside. She couldn't believe that Dexter really thought her father cared about her well-being. He'd probably enjoy her suffering. He'd get to watch the death of his greatest regret. There was no hope for her. Poetically, her death would mirror the cruelty of her life.

"Pixie would never give up her mental key. She has more integrity than anyone in this entire universe" said an angelic voice.

Freida stepped out of the blue light of a portal. Her mere presence seemed to soften the tension overwhelming nirvana. She elegantly levitated just behind everyone else.

"Sister," snarled Dexter.

"Little brother," retorted Freida.

"I expected your interference at some point," said Dexter.

Freida threw her open hand into the air. A star-shaped white light ballooned inside of her palm. Then, she closed her hand which sent beams of light shooting out of the cracks between her fingers.

"The Bow of Being" said Pixie.

Opening her hand again, the white light wrapped around Freida's arm and formed a celestial bow.

"With my weapon, I will end your diabolical scheme. Once and for all" said Freida.

She pointed her bow at Dexter, who scowled at his sister. Winter and Summer readied for action, but Dexter held out his hand. He wanted to handle Freida himself.

"You two stay out of the way. This is a family matter" said Dexter.

"I know you don't play fair. You never have," said Freida, "Pixie, take care of Winter and Summer. I'm confident you can handle them."

Despite the infectious optimism Freida elicited, Pixie was still too discouraged to fight.

"Graduation. I was there" said Freida, "Spring created a forest-prison and ruined the entire event. I didn't see what happened to Joe. Regardless, I thought you should know the fate of your student."

Pixie gazed at the ground. There it was. Undeniable proof of Joe's demise. She had finally become like her father. And just as she hated him, she now hated herself.

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