chapter 1

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The feeling of the cold concrete wall was very obvious as you were shoved against it.

"Ah Spence, wait-"

Your name rolled off of his tongue like honey and you were in a trance, just staring into your coworkers hazel eyes.

"I can't wait any longer, we need to do this now." he mumbled into your neck, his breath tickling you yet sending a shiver down your spine, you were hypnotized.

He continued to nibble on your neck and made his way down to your collarbone, your breath hitched. His hands traveled down and pinned your wrists to your side. And that's when you heard it, the click.

"Hey buddy, if you don't move and let me have my way with your girl I'll blow your brains out right in front of her and have my way and make her look at your dead body while I enjoy my time."

Spencer slowly let go of my hands and backed up.

    "Look, I don't want any trouble just let us go and we won't tell anyone. I swear."

The man with the gun just laughed and turned to face Spencer as he continued to aim the gun at him and said in a gravelly voice, "funny you think you're in a position to be making demands, I'm the one with the gun here buddy."

"You're not the only one with a gun here buddy." I pulled out my carefully hidden pistol and positioned it towards the man's head, "FBI, put the gun down Johnson. We have agents everywhere, ready to shoot if you pull that trigger. You're a smart man, you don't want to shoot a federal agent just to be shot down. If you put the gun down and come with us everyone will know what you did, your name will be everywhere and you'll finally get the recognition you deserve for forcing those girls and their boyfriends to do what you wanted." Of course I was lying about him getting the credit for the bodies and the other agents in the building, however he didn't know that. But I knew Johnson was a narcissistic type, so thinking that people are going to know his name and be talking about him sounded oh so appealing.

Luckily my little fib got him to slowly lower his gun on the ground and as soon as it was I kicked it to the side,

"Mike Johnson, you're under arrest for the murder of Kelly Davidson, Jason Williamson, Hailey Davis, and Dylan Hernandez. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in court..." you cuffed him as you read him his Miranda rights and you watched Spencer walked over to you and patted you on the shoulder.

"Nice job catching the unsub."

"Couldn't have done it without you Spence. I'm just finally glad we can go home and drop this undercover thing. I don't think I could've lasted another night in heels. Why do you have to be so tall it's really not fair for me." you pouted.

"Actually did you know that scientists believe that our genes are responsible for about 80% of our height, there are also other studies that three or four regions in our DNA have an effect on our height; so in reality you should ask my parents why they both married someone tall."

All you could do was look at him and chuckle, it was normal for him to spew random facts about anything and everything, and as much as your team poke fun at him for it, you found it a little cute. Only a little.


hey everyone ! I don't plan on making all these chapters this short but sometimes I will be motivated to write and sometimes I won't be but I hope y'all will enjoy it. please leave some comments about what you hope to read about n shit etc. thanks !

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