And while he thought it was embarrassing, as the diaper was always more visible, it was sort-of better than having to lie there for an extra two minutes while Jimin got his legs unravelled from the regular onesie.

It shouldn't take that long, but Jimin seemed to think that Jungkook's tiny limbs would break if he moved them around too quickly.

Although he still despised changes, Jungkook had realised that no matter how much he cried and kicked, he'd still be changed anyway. And him struggling just dragged it on more, anyway.

"You're being very good for me this morning," Jimin said fondly, giving Jungkook's tummy a little tickle.

Jungkook couldn't help the little smile back he gave, and it seemed that meant more to Jimin than anything, for the man's eyes lit up.

They got downstairs, and Jungkook was settled on a little blanket to rest while Jimin made a bottle for Jungkook and a tea for himself. He was still in sight, and Jungkook just watched as his hyung stood next to the kettle, waiting with a lost look in his eyes.

It reminded Jungkook of yesterday, when they were at the cafe. Oh, how he wanted to punch that woman and man who had made his hyungs upset.

Jimin's sad look popped into his head and suddenly, Jungkook felt a wave of protectiveness wash over him.

He wanted to hold Jimin close to him, snuggle him, tell him that those people's opinions didn't matter.

But at the same time, he wanted those people to see the damage they'd done when their hateful words had spewed from their lips. Wanted to ask them why they got a kick out of making such a wonderful person so upset.

It reminded Jungkook of the real world, when he'd find Jimin sitting up past their bedtime, when he, Tae and Jungkook were all meant to be tucked in bed while the hyungs stayed up an extra hour.

He'd hide under his blanket, reading all the nasty comments people would leave in regards to his body, his face, his singing - anything they could insult.

Jungkook remembered when he'd found out, when he told Seokjin. Seokjin confiscated Jimin's phone and told him that he could only use it when being watched.

Jimin had been so angry.

Seokjin didn't care that he was angry, said it was tough and until Jimin learnt to stop digging out those insults, he'd have to be observed. Namjoon had agreed with him.

Unfortunately, being the youngest, Jungkook cared very much that Jimin was angry. Seokjin and Namjoon were their friends, but they were also like authority figures, just like Hoseok and Yoongi.

But Jimin was Jungkook's elder, someone who Jungkook looked up to (😬), and when Jimin found out who had snitched, he was livid.

Poor Taehyung was caught in the middle. While he too was worried about Jimin, he could understand why his friend was angry that Jungkook had told on him, to Jin of all people.

Jimin would always call Taehyung away from Jungkook, leaving the maknae on his own, and eventually it became a routine. Just leaving Jungkook out of things.

The hyungs wouldn't do anything about it either. When Jungkook tried to bring it up to Seokjin and Hoseok, they gently reassured him that Jimin was going through a hard time, but he'd be back to normal soon enough.

Namjoon was a little more stern, telling him that Jimin's emotions were all over place, and that if he wanted space, Jungkook sure as hell should give him it (or there would be consequences).

And Yoongi, he just seemed pissed off with Jungkook.

"You violates his trust," he spat when the maknae came to him for advice. Jungkook's face dropped.

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