Chapter 8: Spiky hair Part 1

Start from the beginning

«Come on guys... stop arguing so easily. We are here at Judgment to do some work, it's not kids playtime. Uiharu, can you briefly explain to Fran-san what are we working on?» Mii said, the voice of reason of that chaotic group.

«Of course! So... since three days ago, there were reporting of attacks aiming various buildings with different structures inside. For example, the bomber went from attacking an ice cream factory to a med lab! The only thing all the events have in common is that nothing was stolen or damaged and that all the attacks have happened within the second district. All of the buildings' security cameras are being always disabled and both the entrance and the exit are forced and destroyed.» Uiharu explained, as she was quickly typing on her keyboard.

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«Even if there is no damage whatsoever... we still have to identify this punk, arrest and interview them to ask their reasons. They could have an agenda or simply be a vandal but we can't let them do what he wants! The problem is... we have no actual clues and their attacks seem not to have a logical link. We don't even know if it really is only one person doing this.» Mii added, sighing tired.

«I see... you need something to narrow the pool of suspects in order to find a trail to follow.» Fran exclaimed, looking brooding.

«Impressive deduction, Sherlock! We needed you to tell us the obvious!» Kuroko said, applauding sarcastically.

«Uiharu-Senpai, can you please provide me a graph showing all the schedule of when the attacks were committed?» Fran asked, softly leaning on the chair were the girl was sitting.

«Uhiaru-Senpai?!» all of them shouted in choir.

«Yes sir, doing it now!» Uiharu immediately answered, much enthusiastic for how she had been called.

«Nice, Uiharu! You don't need to listen to this pri-UIHARU!? We don't have time to fulfil his stupid requests, let's stick to my plan!» Kuroko yelled, disappointed for the betrayal of her friend.

«Come on, Shirai-san! Just give him a chance and listen what he have to say!» Mii intervened once again, trying to calm Kuroko down.

«Here's the data you asked me!» Uhiaru said, pointing to one of her five monitors.

«Well well, this is kinda interesting. The attacks were six in total, two for each day and especially they all happened between 7 A.M. and P.M.. This means the culprit is probably someone who could act freely only on those hours... and therefore a student!» Fran exclaimed, reading through the information.

«That's a great observation, Fran-san!» Uiharu said with admiration.

«And this is what a rookie would say.» Fran added and the light on Uiharu's face turned off, embarrassed by the lame impression she just made. «Thinking this straight it's never the right choice. Sticking to the first and most plausible scenario always leads to mistakes, we need to consider every option. The culprit could have taken some permissions from work in these hours to pretend to be a student, or a real student could have acted this obvious to make us think like that. The thing that bothers me is, in fact, his method: too schematic and no random at all, if we don't consider the variety of places he attacked. It seems like he wants to be predictable.» Fran said, as he approached the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

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