I gagged. "Ew! Quil that's bloody nasty!. You're phasing in underwear and it's not up for discussion. If I have to wear Seth's camo clothes then you're phasing with your underwear on wolfboy!". I'd packed a few spare pairs because you'd never know with Quil. 

He glared at me. "Fine. And turn the light off that watch, you don't what them to find us because of a glowing red dot".

I muttered "Fine." while rolling my eyes. I secretly wanted to keep it on, it's going to be pitch black in the forest without it.

Quil took about ten steps infront of me until an avolanche of shakes took over his body. It wasn't long before a hudge wolf was infront of me and what was left of Quil's tighty whiteys was on the ground. 

I took a deep breath, this is it. Quil's wolf huffed and pointed his head towards his back like he was beackoning me. 

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming". 

I approached Quil's wolf with causion. He's a fucking bear! I can't climb on that.

I coughed and recieved a blank stare in response.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, so much for phycic wolves right?

"You're going to have to be a bit lower there dumbass".  Quil growld at me in warning and sat on the grass . As soon as I whipped a leg over his back and sat down, I heard a massive squelch sound. 

Quil immediatly jereked and I was smirking in satisfaction. His fur was soaked in mud. "Serves you right for growling at me" I muttered into his ear while gripping my arms around his torso. 

He hasitly took off without warning making me scream in alarm. What a dick.

I don't know if it was just me but it was a bit of bumpy ride, I could feel my backpack repeatedly hitting my back with every step Quil took. Needless to say so far I've hated every second of this ride.

Quil stopped out of nowhere which caused my neck to crack from whiplash. I groaned. "Are you trying to kill me? Remember if I die so do you."

I recieved a low growl and a glare from the creature. Yep, message recieved its time to shut up now. Quil's head suddenly whipped to our left and I literally felt the hairs on his back rise up. Oh shit. I suddenly heard a twig snap from the same area. We had company.

I gulped with slight fear and stuck to the plan. I quickly got off Quil's back and hid behind a tree to our right. Okay so don't judge me. It's not like Quil can have a fair fight with me on his back. Plus it's his idea. 

I heard growls and when I peaked behind my tree I saw Quil and who I guessed was Embry circling each other.

Oh Shit!. That's not according to plan. We were hoping he'd fight Embry last because he's our biggest threat. Quil said he might lose against Brady and Collin if he'd already wasted all his energy on Embry. We are so fucked.

Oh screw it. I quickly stood infront of Quil. I stared into the choclate brown eyes of the bear sized Embry wolf infront of me.

"Embry, You're on our side right? We just want to live. We're just asking to get through and if we don't, if you stop us...our blood is directly on your hands. You see that rock over there". I pointed to it, Embry stared at me in slight sympathy mixed with respect. He nooded and I gulped in slight fear of what I was about to tell him. "I'm going to use it to knock you out. You won't be responsible for our deaths and Sam won't blame you if you're unconscious  from losing a fight. You were too busy fighting Quil and you didn't realise I was behind you the whole time. Nod if you understand". 

I can't belive he's nodding back at me. I half expected him to turn around and claw me to death but Embry was still on our side. Thank fuck!

"Good, now comes the hard part". I muttered.

Not Your Rebound Wolf Girl (Jacob Black)Where stories live. Discover now