The familiar blue wax, with the serpent and flora entwined, belonged to a council of exceptionally powerful magicians. They kept no loyalty with a particular Kingdom, but instead worked with each monarch in regards to their royal sorcerers. They helped shape careers, place which sorcerers would serve which kingdom, and, when needed, help remove a sorcerer who was not performing up to par. The council had placed Zorander almost solely on the merits of this father's magic skills. A fact that was not lost on Zorander and had haunted him over the years.

So what was the council's business with her favorite sorcerer? Surely he was not being "removed." True, Zorander was very young when given the position. His youth and inexperience was certainly the reason a sorcerer of his natural talent had let nerves make him appear... LESS talented.

Approaching the door her pace slows and she presses her ear to the door, listening for signs. She heard no clinks of glass bottles or "puffs" of smoky air, only silence. Perhaps he was out.

She knocks softly as not to startle him and calls his name a beat later. "Mr. Zorander? It's Annaliese..."

She waits and receives a distracted "Yes, yes come in Princess."

She opens the door to a familiar sight: Zorander slumped over a piece of parchment, eyes boring holes she would swear could catch fire to the paper. The blue seal tempting her curiosity again.

He is nearly unaware she is in the room... but he HAD clearly invited her. Would it be so terrible to try to take a peak before he put it away?

She sneaks to his shoulder and peers at the script as best she can

"...pleased to inform you have been selected......exclusive company of ten talented......will require your acceptance within this lunar cycle..."

Annaliese could not get the whole text from this angle but it seems like a very positive note. She beams, happy her mentor is not in any sort of trouble and lays a hand on his shoulder.

"Mr. Zorander is that the same message from yesterday?"

"Yes well not really any of your concern, Princess. Not polite to read over one's shoulder you know..." He rolls the paper as he speaks and tucks it back in the corner of his desk where he had the day before.

"I couldn't really read it over you but what is it? Please? I know that seal and I'm just curious why the council is looking at you? You're not in any trouble are you?"

"No no I'm not in trouble at all." He tries desperately to move away from her stare and simply not answer but she follows him, looking up with those wide eyes that could often beg an answer from the toughest target.

"Fine..." he sighs. "If you must know it's an invitation to a sort of ... training. While the rest of us are doing the tedious bidding of our Kingdoms, the council has the luxury to study REAL magic." His hesitation is growing into what Annaliese can only describe as excitement. She has never seen Zorander.. excited, over anything.

"Only 10 royal sorcerers are to be invited. The knowledge I could gain would be invaluable for ... the Kingdom."

"That's amazing, Mr. Zorander!" She hugs him tightly for a brief moment and feels his body stiffen with surprise.

As she pulls away he stepped backwards, obviously embarrassed and stutters "Y-yes... well... I uh... I haven't even decided if I will accept!" he finally answers with some force.

"Why wouldn't you accept?" She is honestly curious. He seemed to have brightened at the idea of it. Why ever would he miss out such a great opportunity?

"I uh... I don't even know if the King would LET me go. I mean, who would be his sorcerer while I am away. What if something happened? He will never allow it I'm sure..."

"Mr. Zorander, there are over 100 Kingdoms and they invited 10 sorcerers!" She shows her 10 fingers in front of her, trying to highlight what a small number that really is. "He couldn't possibly say no. His sorcerer would return one of the best in the world!... not that you're not already." She hastily adds, and blushes ever so slightly.

"Well I.. even if the King would let me go I mean, you said it yourself, I'm already great right. I don't need "training"". He says this haughtily, but Annaliese knows her sorcerer too well.

"Are you.." she hesitates. It was her nature to be "helpful" but often she felt helpful collided with intrusive. She plunges forward anyway "Are you afraid to go?"

Zorander's face reddens and he raises his pointer finger as if to argue. Then he stops, slumping back into his chair. Head hung, eyes closed, softly "Of course I'm afraid". He looks up at her with softer eyes.

Annaliese moves to the table and sits in the chair to his right. "But why? You're amazing. The council thinks you're amazing, my Dad thinks you're amazing, and... so do I." Annaliese takes what is for a 15 year old girl an impossible chance and puts her hand on his. Daring rejection but feeling some kindness is what Zorander really needs. Always needs.

He stares at her hand for a moment then turns his own over so he can clasp hers gently. "Princess Annaliese, you are the most exceptional person I think I have ever met."

"Oh. that's... " She blushes in spite of herself. "I'm not magic or anything. Not powerful like you." Her eyes lower and study her hand in his. "I just really believe in you."

A moment passes. One beat. And then another. Neither saying anything, both intent on their hands entwined. Zorander is the first to break from the spell and he jumps up suddenly, releasing her hand with effort. "Alright then... I'll do it!"

Annaliese takes in a breath and jumps up herself. "Really? That's great Mr. Zorander! How long will you have to be away? I can sweep the floor while you're gone. And take care of anything else you need. Just let me know and your apprentice is here to help!"

Zorander's face freezes a moment with realization. "Oh Princess, this isn't some small excursion. It takes weeks, months to learn spells. Years to be proficient at this craft..." He swallows a little and looks away. "I'll be gone for nearly 2 years".

Her face falls "Oh..." Her voice was a tiny thing. She feels as if the center of her has evaporated, leaving her empty. She recovers as quickly as she can and shines that brilliant smile, but some of the luster is visibly gone. "Then I guess I'll just have to take care of it a little longer than I thought!" She moves to the door. "I'm going to go tell Dad you would like an audience with him and Mother and come back later, ok? Congratulations, Mr. Zorander!"

Annaliese leaves the room as happily as she can pretend and shuts the door.

In the hall, she slumps against the back of the door and nearly falls to the stone floor. "Silly, silly girl." She says silently. "Be happy for him and stop being foolish." She walks away with her head down.

Zorander stares after her for a moment and then looks down at his hand. "This girl really will be my undoing," he thinks.

Slowly he makes his way back to his work table, finding a clean piece of parchment amongst the clutter, and waves his hand across the page. "By leave of King Randolph, upon his acceptance. Zorander the Great" appears in a beautiful script. He places it in the tube from which he had pulled the message from the council. With another wave his message of acceptance vanishes with a tiny pop. It is done. No going back. Unless the King denies him of course.

He also admits to himself slowly, the princess who might have been a reason to stay. Zorander has no illusions as to how well-liked he generally is: Not very. Annaliese had proven to be, not just a child hanging all over the magician as if he was a carnival attraction, but a friend. Truly. Again slowly admitting, he would very much miss her.

By the time he returns he imagines, she will be a young woman, ripe harvest in the eye of many suitors, and a pride of the kingdom. King Randolph would be a fool not to use her for a strong alliance. Princess Ashlyn is a pretty girl and Prince Daniel would be a decent King, but Annaliese is the best of them. In 2 years' time she will no longer have the time or luxury of playing apprentice. Leaving now basically means cutting short any friendship they would have. Sorrow came then. The sunshine she brought into the room dying in his shadows and Zorander the sorcerer returns to his work alone.

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