Chapter 15

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This chapter is more focused on the entire family instead of just Teddy and Vic -----------------------------------------
Teddy's P.O.V.
"We are in a book?" I asked Harry.
His eyes widened. "You already know?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, there's a theme park about you! And the butterbeer is not as good as the original, by the way" I said and both him and Victoire chuckled.

"Let me explain." He started "A wonderful witch called J.K. Rowling is a writer at the muggle world, and her family wrote most of the muggle fairy tales. She met me after the war and asked to write a saga for muggle children and teenagers about my life and how I defeated Voldemort".

"Oh, and you are in the epilogue of the last book!" He added.

"Uncle Harry" Rose popped up.
"There are books about you and you never told me?!?" She exclaimed "I could have read them when I was like, 5! And maybe I would know the spells before going to Hogwarts and I would have better grades! And then I-"

"Rose" Her brother cut her off "There are no better grades. You never got a single question wrong during your whole education".

We laughed. She blushed and said: "Oh, you're right. Continue the story".

"Anyways, there's 7 books, which also have movie adaptations because of its big success" He told us.

The rest of the morning passed by as usual: The adults talking, the younger ones playing or talking outside, James and Fred II pranking with uncle George's help.

Later that day, when the sun was starting to set, Vic was upstairs with the girls (now that they are older, they have much more to talk about with Vic) while I was playing quiddich with my cousins when I heard a ear piercing scream coming from inside the house. We landed the brooms carefully and ran inside to see what was wrong.

"What happened?" Louis ,asked. Before anyone could answer, Victoire walked downstairs along with Rose, Lily, Roxy, Lucy, Molly and Domi, with angry expressions.
Covered in blue paint.

"Who did this?" Domi asked. No one spoke up. "I'll ask one more time. Who. Did. This?"
She said through gritted teeth.

All the adults were trying not to laugh. James and Fred II looked down guiltily, and uncle George had a evil smile on his face.

"James, Fred" Lily said "You have 5 seconds to run"
They chuckled. "What would you do?" Fred asked.

"5" The girls started. The boys didn't move.

"4" Still nothing.

"3" Molly took a rope from behind her back. The boys' eyes widened.

"2" Now James and Fred ran outside.

"1. Get them!" Lily screamed.
The girls ran after them. Everyone started laughing, but uncle George stopped when he heard Fred screaming: "Dad helped us!".
His eyes widened and he ran upstairs.

Half of the girls came back and a few minutes later they were dragging Uncle George, who was tied up with the rope, downstairs and then outside.
After the laughter had died down and the girls weren't back, we all went outside to see what they were doing.

What we saw wasn't exactly what we expected; The girls tied James, Fred and uncle George to a tree upside down.
We were almost crying of laughter, and laughed even more when they started calling grandma Weasley.
"Mum" "Grandma" they screamed.

"I don't know what you did, but now deal with the consequences!" She yelled from the kitchen, making all of us laugh.

"Please Mum come here" Uncle George begged "Help us!".

"Okay, I'm going!" She said and before she arrived, we heard her screaming angrily:

"James, Fred, George, what happened to the stairs!?!"

Yeah, that's just how things go in the Weasley family.
And we all love it, just the way it is.

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